Home for Christmas

We asked our team to give us their favorite song of the season and why. Below is a list of folks from the God Hears Her team and their songs. We hope that you will enjoy them as much as we have.

Music seems to play such an important role during the Christmas season. It helps to awaken memories of our childhood or what we did last year. Classic artists like Andy Williams bring the mood to life. New songs or new versions of songs can do the same. 

We asked our team to give us their favorite song of the season and why. Below is a list of folks from the God Hears Her team and their songs. We hope that you will enjoy them as much as we have. Here’s a link to the playlist!

  1. Diana O’Connor, Podcast Crew
    “O Holy Night” by Bing Crosby
    The message of hope and the reverence of the song is deeply moving

  2. Rochelle Traub, Marketing Crew and Audiobook Narrator
    “Silent Night” by Pentatonix
    I love this traditional Christmas song because it focuses our hearts on the birth of the Christ-child and the reason He came . . . for our redemption. Every time I hear Silent Night I think of the story of how soldiers called a temporary truce on the World War 1 battlefield on Christmas Eve. They sang this carol and were momentarily “at peace” with the opposing sides, which is a result of the true peace between God and us which happened because of Christ.

  3. Breonna Rostic, Marketing Crew, Author and Contributor
    “Mary, Did You Know?” by Kenny Rogers and Wynonna
    As a mother, you think about what your child will be like. And even your greatest thoughts fall short of the glory God reveals through them. So, I imagine Mary in all of her thoughts about Jesus still couldn’t comprehend what she was carrying and why God chose her. It reminds me that God has an assignment for us all that we can’t always understand, but it all points back to Him being glorified.

  4. Laura Smith, Author and Contributor
    “Christmas This Year” by TobyMac
    It’s such a fun, upbeat reminder to embrace the joy of Christmas with childlike wonder and to shine Christ’s light at Christmas time.

    “This is Christmas” by Kutless
    “This is Christmas” by Kutless, this lyric in it, “What is Christmas? If there never was a savior, wrapped in a manger,” is such a powerful reminder of why we celebrate Christmas. We can get so lost in the hustle and bustle that we lose sight of Jesus. This song points us back to Him.

    “Carol of the Bells” by Barlow Girl
    They were a Christian band (back in the day), but this isn’t a Christian song, just a gorgeous rendition of this song that is guaranteed to make you want to ring in Christmas.

  5. Elisa Morgan, Author and Podcast Host
    “Emmanuel” by Amy Grant
    In more recent years, we fell in love with Amy Grant’s Christmas album – and would sing along with her with our sunroof open and snow falling down on us!
    “Happy Holidays” by Andy Williams
    My favorite Christmas album growing up was Andy Williams – because we put it on every year while we decorated our tree. This was always a pretty stable, count-on-it moment in our otherwise messy and broken home.

  6. Melissa Wade, Marketing Crew
    “A Baby Changes Everything” by Faith Hill
    “A Baby Changes Everything” brings back into focus the realization that God became man to save ME. During the busy, hurried time of the holidays, it brings me right back to the reason Jesus came to Earth. We can get so lost in the hustle & bustle of the holidays that we forget all that Jesus did. We remember it at Easter time, but it began at His birth. And Faith sings it with such emotion, I just love the song!
    “Breath of Heaven” by Amy Grant
    I love the perspective of Mary on her long and arduous trip to Bethlehem. She must have been so overwhelmed at times and so tired and sore from walking or riding all that way. I cannot imagine having to travel by donkey to an unknown town in the 1st century being 9 months pregnant. The words of the song capture what I imagine Mary’s feelings to be as she contemplates the huge task ahead of her to raise the Son of God! It’s a beautiful prayer of doubt and unworthiness, pointing to our hope and confidence in God as our protector and comforter.

  7. Nicole Bragenzer, Podcast & Marketing Crew
    “Peace on Earth” by Hanson
    This song reminds me that the first Christmas was a major celebration – a party on earth, in the stars, and in heaven! Christ has come! God invites us to join the biggest party the world has known! Are you celebrating the real “reason for the season”? I can picture the host of angels singing with the same enthusiasm and strength that first Christmas!

  8. Daniel Maat, Marketing Crew
    “Mary Had a Baby” by Odetta
    Simple and earthy.

  9. Daniel Day, Podcast Crew
    “May You Find a Light” by The Brilliance
    I love how it invites us in our weariness to find strength in our God who’s yoke is easy and the burden is light. And it also challenges us to share the light with others.

  10. Xochitl Dixon, Author and Contributor
    “O, Come, All Ye Faithful” by Tasha Cobbs Leanard
    When I listen to “O, Come, All Ye Faithful” by Tasha Cobbs, I start tearing up as soon as she begins singing. The entire song is a precious time of
    Noel by Chris Tomlin with Lauren Daigle
    I can enjoy “Noel” by Lauren Daigle, whose voice pierces my soul and leads me to praise God , whenever I want to thank God for the everlasting hope of the Good News
    “It’s Christmas” by Mandisa
    I smile and want to dance as soon as “It’s Christmas” by Mandisa starts playing. I enjoy Mandisa’s infectious joy as I prepare for the holiday season while keeping my focus on Jesus ̶ the true reason we celebrate Christmas.

  11. Amy Boucher Pye, Author and Contributor
    “Ding Dong Merrily on High” (The Celebration’s Starting) by Rend Collective
    Their music just brings such joy to me – the fast beat and words of grace and mercy fill my heart and help me to worshi

  12. John van der Veen, Marketing Crew
    “All is Well” by Michael W. Smith
    Michael’s first Christmas album was released when I was a freshman in college. For some reason, it was a hard time in my life. School was a struggle. Friends and even family seemed to be distant from me. Hearing Michael’s song, “All is Well” was such a great reminder of God’s care over my life. Now, thirty one years later, the words continue to speak to me. All is well. “Darkness fell into the dawn of love’s light.”

  13. Lisa Samra, Author and Contributor
    “Winter Snow” by Audrey Assad
    I love this song because it reminds me of the gentle, humble way that Jesus came to the earth as a baby. He didn’t come in power or force, but he came unexpectedly and gently to offer salvation to all people. When I listen to the song, it reminds me of the ways that Jesus still comes gently into my life as a shepherd to guide and help me. It’s like soft, falling snow that brings beauty and rest and calm to my soul.

  14. Monica La Rose, Author and Contributor
    “O Holy Night” by David Phelps
    “O Holy Night” has long been a favorite of mine because of the unique way it reveals the gospel as hope finally breaking through despair, particularly for the socially marginalized and mistreated (“Chains shall he break, for the slave is our brother, and in his name all oppression shall cease.”) The song paints a picture of the gospel that was revolutionary when it was written, and still is today.

  15. Anne Cetas, Author and Contributor
    “Some Children See Him” by James Taylor
    I love to picture myself bowing with the children of the world before Jesus. In awe, we offer our hearts in worship of the infant-King because “‘Tis love that’s born tonight.”

  16. Anna Haggard, Author and Editor
    “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” by For KING & COUNTRY
    My all-time favorite Christmas song is “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” because the song points to humanity’s deep longing and need for an indwelling Messiah (and because I like songs in minor keys).

  17. Cindy Hess Kasper, Author and Contributor
    “Least that I Can Do” by Carrie Hassler and Hard Rain
    One of my favorite songs at Christmastime is “The Least that I Can Do” by Carrie Hassler and Hard Rain. The full a cappella harmonies are a treat for the ears. But it is the lyrics that draw my thoughts to the immense sacrifice of the Son of God—leaving heaven, coming to earth as a baby, and willingly going to the cross. What we could never do for ourselves, He did for us. How can we ever repay Him for His great love?

  18. Regina Franklin, Author and Contributor
    “Joy to the World” by Pentatonix
    In a year that has held sadness for so many–my own family included–I am reminded how the presence of Jesus changes our reality. Yes, sorrows still come, and we do not yet know what the new year holds, but God’s love for us is stronger than any circumstance we face. As a musician, I can appreciate the sound of orchestration; however, this rendition by Pentatonix reminds me of the power of our own voices in responding to the difficult seasons life brings. We serve a God of power, life and great joy!

  19. Josh Boers, Marketing Crew
    “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” by The Piano Guys
    I like how this song places the Christmas story within the greater framework of the story of God’s people. Also I’m a big fan of the melody.

Listen to our new Home for Christmas Spotify playlist!

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