God Sees Her podcast hosts posing together on a couch.

God Hears Her


True freedom comes from sharing our journeys and knowing we’re not alone. Hosts Elisa Morgan, Eryn Eddy Adkins, and Vivian Mabuni are joined by a variety of guests to share personal stories of hope and encouragement.

Latest Episodes

Episode #183
February 24, 2025
When was the last time you read the story of Joseph in Genesis? Have you ever connected to the way things don’t work out for Joseph? Nicole Unice found comfort while studying Joseph’s story while she was going through an unexpected season in her own life. Nicole shares with hosts, Elisa Morgan and Eryn Eddy Adkins, how we can observe and learn new things about God through Joseph’s life story. Join this God Hears Her conversation for a deep dive about how God works through our hardest seasons. To prepare for this episode, it may be helpful to read the story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50!
Episode #182
February 17, 2025
As a parent, you go through different stages with your kids. The newborn stage, toddler stage, kid stage, and eventually the dreaded pre-teen and teenage phases! Each phase comes with a lot of questions and concerns, but at the end of the day, you just want to feel connected to your kiddos. Amy Betters-Midtvedt has been in the thick of raising teens since her first child of five reached that life stage. With her witty sense of humor, laugh alongside Amy as she shares advice for raising and loving your teens . Join hosts, Eryn Eddy Adkins and Vivian Mabuni as they chat with Amy about raising teenagers during this God Hears Her conversation.
Episode #181
February 10, 2025
When we set out into our lives, we often have a plan of what we would like to do or achieve. What happens when our plan falls apart? Jennifer DiVita was a married woman and stay-at-home mom before her husband’s addiction led to her life completely changing. Jennifer found herself having to rebuild what she thought was set in stone.
Episode #180
February 3, 2025
What has God called you to? Do you ever feel like you’re not equipped for the plans and dreams that are in your heart and mind? Brittany Jones was diagnosed with bipolar disorder before planting a church with her husband. As a leader and pastor, she wanted to authentically lead by being honest about her personal testimony. She has worked hard to overcome the lies that her mental illness prevents her from sharing the strength and provision that God has brought into her life. For this God Hears Her conversation, join host Elisa Morgan in this special one-on-one conversation about leading honestly and authentically.
Episode #179
January 27, 2025
When we reflect on our stories, we are often left with memories that carry both joy and grief. Perhaps you got a job promotion while mourning the loss of a loved one, or you got bad news while celebrating a big event. We often have seasons of celebration that mix with times of mourning. Cathy and Caili Sall are a mother-daughter duo who have learned how to hold all of the feelings that come with adoption.
Episode #178
January 20, 2025
Do you ever take time to sit in silence? Do you feel like your schedule is too packed full to have time for yourself? When God created the world, He took time to rest, but we often find ourselves running from one thing to the next without a moment to spare. Vivian Mabuni recently took a Sabbatical. During that time, she discovered how her soul was able to internally settle while she spent quiet time with God. Join hosts Vivian Mabuni and Eryn Eddy Adkins for this God Hears Her conversation as they talk through how we can find times in our lives to rest and reflect.
Episode #177
January 13, 2025
When we’re growing up, we probably have an idea of what we want our lives to look like. We may plan along the way and eventually find ourselves exactly where we wanted to be. However, sometimes our plans look nothing like what God has for us. Unexpectedly, we get a scary medical diagnosis, or something significant happens that alters the course of our lives. Brittany Hurd was diagnosed with a brain tumor that ended up taking her eyesight. This has completely changed her life, and now she’s navigating the change as a newlywed. Join hosts, Eryn Eddy Adkins and Vivian Mabuni, as they learn how Brittany takes it day by day with God in the midst of unexpected change during this God Hears Her conversation.
Episode #176
January 6, 2025
When we become Christians, we tend to think that everything will fall into place in a nice and easy way. What do we do when we face disappointments? Lisa Victoria Fields has discovered that trusting God and being in community may be some of the first steps we can take when things don’t go our way. Join hosts, Elisa Morgan and Vivian Mabuni, as they discover how to overcome disappointments with Lisa Victoria Fields during this God Hears Her conversation.

About the Podcast

God Hears Her is a podcast inspired by the bestselling devotional.

Hosts Elisa Morgan, Eryn Eddy Adkins, and Vivian Mabuni are joined by a variety of guests to share personal stories of hope and encouragement. This podcast is for women who are in the trenches of the beautiful and messy moments of relationships, work, ministry, and more.

Slow down. Be in the moment. Be known. Be heard.

God Hears Her 365-Day Devotional

The personal stories, Scripture passages, and inspirational quotes lift you up and remind you that God is bigger than the trials you face.

Meet Your Hosts

Host Elisa Morgan sitting on brown leather chair smiling

Elisa Morgan

Elisa is an international speaker, an author for God Hears Her and Our Daily Bread, and a co-host of Discover the Word.

She has authored over twenty-five books on mothering, spiritual formation, and evangelism, including the NIV Mom’s Devotional Bible; The Beauty of Broken; Hello, Beauty Full; and When We Pray Like Jesus.

For twenty years, Elisa served as CEO of MOPS International (now MOMCo). She is married to Evan, and they have two grown children and two grandchildren who live near them in Denver, Colorado.

Eryn Eddy Adkins

Eryn is the founder and CEO of So Worth Loving, a lifestyle clothing brand.

Since starting in 2011, she’s grown her company to include customers in all fifty states and in thirty countries, and the company is still going strong. She and her work have been featured on CNN and MSNBC, as well as Southern Living and Atlanta Magazine.

This creative enjoys oil painting and singing, and she’s even had her music featured on MTV and VH1. Eryn is also an author and a speaker, and she calls Atlanta home.

Host Eryn Eddy Adkins in casual attire sitting on brown chair.
Smiling woman in glasses and white jacket

Vivian Mabuni

Vivian Mabuni is a national speaker, author, Bible teacher and podcast host. Her writing has appeared in Christianity Today, She Reads Truth, Our Daily Bread, and Propel Sophia and her teachings have been featured on the YouVersion Bible App’s “Verse of the Day.”

With over thirty years on staff with Cru, Viv loves teaching about the Bible and its practical application to ministry and life.

She has been a keynote speaker at IF:Gathering, Cru Winter Conferences, Family Life’s “Weekend To Remember,” and women’s events across the country.

Author of Open Hands, Willing Heart, she also serves on the Board of Trustees for Denver Seminary and is the founder & host of Someday Is Here, a podcast for AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islanders) leaders.

Viv loves drinking coffee with her husband, Darrin, and marveling at their young adult kids.