Ways We Know God Hears Her

“Remember the wonders he has done. . .” I Chronicles 16:1

We sit next to each other, in fact just inches apart. Our eyes crinkle and our noses wrinkle as our mouths sweep into wide grins. God is doing it! He is hearing us! And you! And all the women in our world! The 100th episode of God Hears Her is recorded and in it, we (Eryn and Elisa) have each tabulated ten ways we know that God has indeed heard “her” in the past several years.

“Remember the wonders he has done. . .” I Chronicles 16:12

We sit next to each other, in fact just inches apart. Our eyes crinkle and our noses wrinkle as our mouths sweep into wide grins. God is doing it! He is hearing us! And you! And all the women in our world! The 100th episode of God Hears Her is recorded and in it, we (Eryn and Elisa) have each tabulated ten ways we know that God has indeed heard “her” in the past several years. 

From Elisa:

God nudges me to listen the way He listens. He uses the words of those we interview to speak to me. Every podcast guest and episode is an opportunity to hear from His heart. 

  1. God speaks to me through Eryn all the time. Because she is from a different generation, another area of the country, and has a complementing personality, she reveals insights from God to me in every conversation. 

  2. God helps me see those I might overlook. The episode with Vivian Mabuni—“When I don’t fit in”—helped me grasp that even when we are overlooked by others, we are not overlooked by God. 

  3. God accepts all my feelings. Sarah Robinson prodded me that God accepts even our depressions.

  4. God sees everyone, wherever they are. Sally Lloyd-Jones shared that God saw her exactly where she was in her seeming smallness and called her forward.

  5. God challenges me to face hard-to-face realities. Tiffany Blum caught my attention on the topic of justice and through her sharing, I was convicted that I can actually benefit from the injustice done to others. Will I allow such inequality?

  6. God woos me to stay when I want to quit. Patricia Raybon spotlighted the chief technique we can use to heal broken relationships: stay.

  7. God embraces the darkest parts of me. Dr. Christina Edmondson relieved me by helping me understand that just like a heart, liver or kidney, our brain is an organ that can sometimes be sick and need treatment.

  8. God is never “done” with us. Dr. Meg Meeker comforted me to help me know that it’s never too late to heal a broken family relationship.

  9. God reveals Himself to me through the mutuality of mentorship. Eryn and I mentor each other across generations: me from being older and her from being younger. 

  10. God is faithful. Xochi Dixon mirrored God’s faithfulness in large and small ways to help me remember His faithfulness to me. 

From Eryn:

As I think about how God hears us, I think of the times in which I had surrounded myself with so much noise that I couldn’t hear Him. Once I quieted the chaos by tucking myself away with no phone, no distractions, I found that in my begging to hear Him, He reminded me He hears me. Here are 10 ways that God reminded me of how He heard me during this time of my life. 

  1. God whispered peace into my heart when I received a phone call from my Mom that my Dad was diagnosed with throat cancer. He convinced me that no matter the outcome of my Dad’s journey, the Lord will be close to my family as we learn to process the grief of an uncertain battle.

  2. God provided when my finances were strapped. I remember sitting at a restaurant going over my finances thinking, “Why am I here eating a meal when I can’t even afford it?” As I grabbed the bill to pay, I looked down and saw a signature. “Paid. Have a blessed day.” I believe that the Lord saw my inner thoughts, and wanted to bless me to remind me that in every area of my life, He sees me.

  3. God pursued me when I entered into a season of disbelief in Him. It was a time when I was surrounding myself with friends, listening to podcasts, and reading books that defied who He was. After I grew tired of running, God reminded me of what the cross was in my life and that He will never stop loving me regardless of my inconsistencies. 

  4. God understood the rejection I felt. After a divorce and loss of community, the Lord reminded me of how deeply Jesus also felt disposed of, outcast and judged. Understanding Jesus’ life and the betrayal He experienced before His crucifixion demonstrated to me the safety I can experience when talking to God about my betrayal I desired to heal from.

  5. God taught me how to show up in spaces and friendships that don’t look or think like me. I desire to see my friends and acquaintances through the eyes of Jesus. I am learning that when I have this posture; I begin to appreciate our differences. Maintaining a curiosity about backgrounds helps me better understand how to love others like He does.

  6. God held back in order to allow time to reveal His plan. In seasons of waiting, God has patiently worked on my heart to prepare me for what He has for me.

  7. God rebuilt my life on a solid foundation when the life I built on my own came falling down. Finances rebuilt, relationship rebuilt, and community rebuilt. Job 42:12 spoke to me, “So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning.” 

  8. God forgave me when I replaced intimacy with Him for other relationships. 

  9. God laughed with me when I experienced moments of great joy. In the midst of my laughter, I sensed God being right there laughing with me. Sometimes the moments were like an innocent, naive childlike wonder and in other moments, something goofy I did that no one else saw but God and me. 

  10. God listened when I was honest in my chair in my therapist’s office. Leaving those sessions, I would sit in my car and sense Him saying, “I love you. I heard it all. I love you.”

Will you join us? Will you share the ways God has convinced you, whether in a whispering hush or a raucous roar, that He is listening to you and your needs and your wants and your feelings and your hopes and your fears?

–Written by Elisa Morgan and Eryn Eddy. Used by permission from the author.

8 Responses

  1. After reading your God Hears Her episode, it gave me a reason to reflect and list the different ways where God has heard me. Thank you.

  2. I have been listening and reading your God Hears Her for quite a while now. In this sharing of how God has worked and is working in your lives, I definitely see God is working in mine. I know He is actively working!!! My life has changed so much from sins of my youth to being much more mature–through illness that has now gone on for 37 years–I am 62 now and God has been so faithful. My doctors’ said 4 years ago that I would be dead in a few months–well I am still here, house bound, but here. Yes, my health is failing, but I have learned so very much from God in these years. I was so blessed to have been raised in a Christian home!!! That makes such a lasting legacy!!! You learn at a young age that God indeed hears you and how you can help others. I love the 10s’ you both listed. I feel they are essential to all of us and if you are older–you have experienced them all!!! God bless you both!!!!

  3. I often hear songs of Praise and Worship when I’m dreaming or as I’m waking up such as
    (Blessed Quietness Holy Quietness oh assurance too my Soul on the Stormy Sea Jesus Speaks to me and the Billows cease roll ).
    Or (Lord I just want to Thank You for being so good to me).
    Through your Podcasts I’m reminded that God hears me and I’m listening to hear Him.

  4. God uses His Word and His people to remind me that He hears me, sees me, and loves me. He uses the God Hears Her blog and podcast to affirm He is listening and working in ways I may not be able to see right now, in my life and in the lives of those around me. Through the leadership of Elisa and Eryn, God has used me-too-moments to reveal His goodness and mercy, His faithfulness and unlimited power. When we share with one another, we’re praising God, worshipping God, and inviting Him to strengthen our faith as individuals and as members of the God Hears Her family. I would like to thank all of the people behind the scenes that help make this ministry outreach possible. It is my pleasure and privilege to serve on the team and to be a member of the God Hears Her family who is encouraged by the people who share how God is working in and through their lives on the blog, through the books and the podcast, and in the comment section. God is growing our community as we continue to praise Him, grow closer to Him and each other, and share Him and this ministry with others. To God be the glory, the honor, and the praise!

  5. Laughing at all ways he heard you let’s me know he hears me too ! And he answered and told me my life will be different too! AMEN 🙏 YES JESUS

  6. I felt so beneath others in a orientation yesterday. I was sitting there the only nursing assistant with everyone else being Registered Nurses and in my moment of feeling low…I felt a nudge and a voice say…you are where u need you now…..

  7. God Hears Her 100th episode was fun, honest and encouraging. Every episode has something for me personally or something I can share with someone who needs encouragement. I look forward to "my girls" and who they will be "unpacking" every Monday🙂 Thank you Elisa and Eryn for sharing these truths today of how big our God is – He is always present and always working.

  8. That was beautifully said andi really loved it ladies. Thank you for sharing sharing this with me. God Bless You!

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