Episode 158: A Journey Through Infertility

Summary of this Episode:

What’s been your longest trial? Are you in a waiting season? Or are you going through something that feels like it has no end in sight? Alice Matagora has been through multiple trials, including a seven-year infertility journey. During those seven years, God was working to heal her past wounds and change her mindset on motherhood. Join host Eryn Adkins as she gets to know Alice Matagora during this God Hears Her conversation.

“God is so kind and a master author in writing our stories of pain to lead us to the right place at the right time.”

— Alice Matagora

A B O U T T H I S W E E K ’ S G U E S T :

Alice Matagora

Alice Matagora lives in Southern California with her husband RJ, her children Regi and Clementine, and her dog Daisy. With two young children in this season of life, Alice is a naptime writer and storyteller. She invites others to find the beauty in the broken and hope in God as she shares her story of God's redemption in the midst of the brokenness in her own life—infertility, grief and loss, mental health struggles, childhood trauma, generational trauma, racial and ethnic identity, and marriage. Alice has worked with The Navigators in disciple making ministry for nearly twenty years, with experience in college ministry and cultural competency training. She currently leads a Leader Development Initiative for The Navigators that develops leaders all over the world. She’s also a licensed marriage and family therapist. Combining all of her professional experience and her passion for disciple making, Alice's book How to Save the World: Disciple Making Made Simple, featuring original Barna research, seeks to equip and empower everyday people to make disciples of Jesus wherever they live, work, and play.

Notes & Quotes:

  • “I learned how to have roots—how to have a relationship with Jesus.” —Alice Matagora

  • “God is so kind and a master author in writing our stories of pain to lead us to the right place at the right time.” —Alice Matagora

  • “God used infertility to address these lies I had about motherhood.” —Alice Matagora

  • “The enemy wants to use our past to impact the way we see ourselves in the future.” —Eryn Adkins

  • “You will never fail if you put your hope in the Lord.” —Alice Matagora

Thanks for listening!


Episode 159: A Deeper Look at Rahab


Episode 157: Upheaval and Transition