God Hears Her

Our all-knowing God searches our hearts and minds, and He hears every prayer.

God Hears Her devotional book cover

How do you know that God hears you when you call to Him?

He is listening. And not just listening but also responding.

Over and over in the Bible, God hears and responds to the needs of women, named and unnamed. Jesus interacts with woman after woman, offering everlasting water to a disgraced woman at a well, restoring a demon-possessed son to his grief-stricken mother, receiving the spilled-out offering of Mary of Bethany, and encouraging Mary Magdalene’s broken heart in the first resurrection encounter.

Each Our Daily Bread devotional was written by women just like you for women just like you. May you sense God bending His ear to your heart. God hears her. And because He hears her, you can know that God hears you.

To purchase your own copy of the God Hears Her devotional, click here to get your copy now.

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