Come to Jesus and Rest

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

“God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride. Alas, I have killed the horse and now I cannot deliver the message.” Minister Robert Murray M’Cheyne penned these words close to the end of his life. It seems that he had run his body (the horse) into the ground. He was twenty-nine years old, just short of his thirtieth birthday when he died on March 25, 1843 of typhoid fever. Such a young age! Perhaps it can be said that he worked himself to death in ministry. He had delivered his message, but in doing so, destroyed his body. 

His health actually began failing four years earlier. At that time, his health forced him to leave the ministry at his parish and convalesce at his parents’ home in Edinburgh. But in late 1839, he returned with vigor to his ministry at St. Peter’s Church Dundee in Scotland—an eleven-hundred-person parish. M’Cheyne was brilliant, full of the Holy Spirit, pastoral, and a good preacher. When he contracted typhoid, the pace of his ministry had taken too great a toll on his body and he was too weak to fight the disease.

Recently, I spoke with students in one of my seminary classes. We were discussing how difficult it is for pastors, priests, and lay leaders in churches to rest. The demand for their time (and talents) never ceases. Like wonderful, giving, M’Cheyne, it becomes too easy for ministers and lay leaders to run their bodies, and closest relationships, including their families, into the ground. 

This is true of many of us, not just church leaders. Though it is not always with things as laudable as ministry. We try to stuff too much into our days. As a result, we’re tired, our relationships get sabotaged , and all kinds of problems arise from lack of margin and rest in our lives. Our unsustainable pace fuels anxiety and depression. Misery.

It is possible to be so busy for God (or not for God), so busy doing good things, that there is little time for solitude and silence to be with God, to know God. This restricts our ability to love and the result is that our bodies, relationships, and churches suffer. We become unintentionally distanced from God, others, and even ourselves. Rat-race pace is not the way of Jesus. It is the unhealthy way of culture, perhaps especially western culture, and even more specifically American culture.

Jesus tells us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). I know God is calling me to reprioritize, to reexamine even the good things of which I am a part. I want more time to savor my family, the life I have been given, even as my husband and I work to make a living. As I come to Jesus, I must receive the rest he offers. And for me to receive that rest, I have to lighten the load I bear so that I might spend more time with and in God, finding rest for my soul and body that I might, echoing M’Cheyne, deliver the message . . . without killing the horse. 

What about you?

–Written by Marlena Graves. Used by permission from the author.

13 Responses

  1. "Rat-race pace is not the way of Jesus." That truth statement is on point! As we transitioned back to California from Wisconsin, Alan and I felt the exhaustion overwhelming us daily. We prayed for wisdom before saying "yes" and "no." Thanks for reminding us that rest is an act of worship and good stewardship, Marlena. Almighty God, please help us trust You enough to rest and know that You are capable of handling everything You created and continue to sustain. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  2. Last year, I finally got God’s nudging to rest and spend more time with Him. I feel relieved because I was one that stayed busy and sometimes felt overwhelmed. Thank you, Holy Spirit!!!

  3. Truer words have not been spoken!! I certainly can attest to the importance of “taking a rest”!

  4. This message is such a ouch moment for me. I often find myself so busy loving on others and trying to make sure that they are ok. Even though I get solace and comfort out of this a lot of the time, I must admit truthfully , it does take it’s toil on my body, my mind, and my spirit. It is then I hear the still whisper of God say be still my child, I am God and you are just my vessel. I will give you direction on what to do when it is necessary, but right now I just need you to sit still and listen to me. I love God and so want to do his will, so I ask that you keep me and my family in your prayers.

  5. Amen The Lord Jesus Christ is teaching me to be pace myself
    I Read and Prayer (Psalm Chapter 5 with Verse 8 as my Focus "Lead me Oh Lord in your righteousness because of my enemies make your way plain before my face "
    Minister Loretta Artis Philadelphia Pennsylvania

  6. Thank you for sharing. This is so true. Find rest oh my soul, in God alone, my hope is in Him. Psalm 65:2

  7. Sharing is Caring. Thank you for truth in the word of God. Certainly life gets busy at one time or another. I need step back and sometimes ask myself what is my intention. Is it from God or my desire. I don’t know at times. I pray and move ahead to what I believe is pleasing to God. Whatever the outcome I except and Come to Jesus asking for the Grace and Mercy of God and rest in Him.

  8. This message is such a blessing for me! In the near future I may be called upon to move to a different state and care for a relative. I am a strong person, but am 82 yrs old. At this point in my life I do not feel able to do what I may be asked to do. I am praying to find out what God’s will is for me.

  9. Beautiful expression of the importance of finding rest with God, so that we may walk hand in hand with our way maker, Christ Jesus. Blessings to you and yours.

  10. I love this and love to spend every morning with the Lord. My devotional time is the start and very best time of my day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us all.

  11. Well said, the demands of ministry must have balance. The only sure way is through the Holy Spirit. Those who wait on the Lord are renewed in strength (Isaiah 40:31)

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