Do I Really Make a Difference in God’s Kingdom?

When I walked into the Thai restaurant, the host led me to the table where my friend, Sarah, had been waiting. “Your waitress will be here shortly to take your order,” she said as she walked away.

“Sorry, I’m late,” I said to Sarah.

Her brow furrowed as she sighed heavily. “I haven’t been here long.”

“Are you okay?”

 When I walked into the Thai restaurant, the host led me to the table where my friend, Sarah, had been waiting. “Your waitress will be here shortly to take your order,” she said as she walked away.

“Sorry, I’m late,” I said to Sarah.

Her brow furrowed as she sighed heavily. “I haven’t been here long.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said, smoothing the linen napkin in front of her.

Our waitress, who had been serving us monthly for almost two years, arrived at our table. “What can I get you today, ladies? The usual?”

I pretended to scan the menu. “C’mon, Brianna. We’re not that predictable, are we?”

“Not predictable, but definitely dependable,” she said. 

Sarah didn’t smile or join in the conversation with her usual catch-up questions. Brianna placed a hand on her shoulder. “You feeling okay?”

Sarah groaned. “I’m fine,” she said with an unusual-for-her sharp tone. She rearranged her utensils as Brianna collected our menus. “And yes, the usual.”

I leaned into the table. “You’re obviously not fine,” I said as Brianna walked away. “What’s wrong?”

She looked at me, tears brimming her eyes. “You made me cry yesterday,” she said.

I set a linen napkin on my lap. “What did I do?”

She sighed, wringing her hands. “When we were on the phone confirming lunch details, you said my prayers make a difference in your life.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Of course not,” she said, rearranging her utensils again. “I just wish it was easier to believe. I’ve been feeling useless, like nothing I do matters.”

“You matter,” I said. “And you make a difference simply because God created you, on purpose and with a purpose.” I leaned back in my chair. “But I know that’s hard to remember . . . or to believe sometimes.”

“You do?”

“Yeah.” I shared how I’d struggled with similar feelings as I continued suffering from chronic pain and fatigue through the years. “I’ve doubted my worth and worried I wasn’t doing enough to make a difference in God’s Kingdom,” I said. “I’ve felt useless, isolated, out of place, forgotten, and sometimes . . . invisible in a crowded room.”

Sarah hung her head low and slumped her shoulders. “I thought I was the only one who felt that way.”

 “Nope,” I said. “And we’re not alone. I can’t even count how many people have shared that they’ve struggled with similar feelings.”

 “I know that’s true, but it doesn’t help me feel better.” She looked at me, hopelessness glistening in her eyes. “I don’t know how to stop feeling this way.”

When Brianna returned with our food, I reached for Sarah’s hands. “Talking about how we’re feeling is a good start,” I said.

Sarah smiled.

Brianna placed an extra plate onto our table. “There’s the smile I missed earlier,” she said, handing each of us a spoon and nodding toward the slice of strawberry cheesecake. “Sweets on the house.”

“Talking is good. Cheesecake is better,” I said. “And praying continually is a definite must.” We held hands across the table and bowed our heads. I prayed, thanking God for our meal and our conversation. I asked Him to help us live like we believed what His Word clearly says about us.

It’s been years since that day in the restaurant. I’d love to say that my friend and I stopped struggling with these feelings, that we’ve overcome doubting our value, that we stopped wondering if we were doing enough to serve God. . . but I can’t.

Some days, I feel as if no one would notice or care if I stopped showing up.

As I’ve continued to pray through those tough moments, God brought me to a few verses that He used to replace the lies I’d allowed into my thoughts

When I’m feeling as if nothing I do matters or makes a difference in God’s Kingdom, I flip over to 1 Corinthians 15:58 and pray over the verse, inserting my name to make the truth a personal statement of fact. “Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you [insert name] know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” (1 Corinthians 15:58, NLT, emphasis mine). Nothing I do for the Lord is useless. Nothing you do for the Lord is useless. Why are those words, which are easy to understand, so hard to believe?

Reading the verse in context helped me figure out where I’d gone wrong in my attempts to rid myself of those feelings of worthlessness. As I continued battling negative thoughts, God reminded me that my focus needed a bit of shifting from my “self” to Jesus, my Savior. Paul assures us that God “gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ” (v. 57). When we embrace the victory Christ has already won, verse 58 becomes a rock-solid truth founded in Jesus, not our ability or our accomplishments.

Christ’s love for us has eternal value, so everything we do that flows from our love for Him has value. 

Every kind word we speak to a person, every smile we share as we greet a new friend makes a difference. Every intercessory prayer we place before our always-hearing and always-caring God matters. Every load of laundry or dishes we do, every act of service and every time we choose to act in love impacts God’s Kingdom.

When we doubt this truth, we can open our Bibles and ask God to help us remember that we all have a vital part to play in His greater plan. We need God and each other to fulfill our purpose as believers in Jesus: Love God and others (Matthew 22:37-40) and make disciples wherever He plants us (Matthew 28:19–20).

Wherever God plants us, He will use us in the special ways He’s designed for each of us. Our current space is an intentional place of growth and healing. When we rely on His dependable character, unchanging truth, and unconditional love, we can avoid the shaky walls of doubt built on the unlevel ground of our fickle feelings.

How can any of us be worthless if we’re a part of the beautiful picture of God’s work in the world? How can any of us not make a difference when all of us are created with and for a purpose, as valuable parts of God’s masterpiece?

Loving Lord, thanks for reminding us that all we do in Your name has value and nothing we do to honor and serve You, no matter how small it may seem, is useless. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

–Written by Xochitl Dixon. Used by permission from the author.

31 Responses

  1. I believe that God has a special place
    for everyone and everyone has a special talent that is unique to them and no one else can have that special gift that is meant for you.

    1. I am right there with you, GG. Everyone has been entrusted with God-given gifts and a special purpose in God’s Kingdom. We have no need to compare ourselves to others or feel as if we need to compete with others. Thanks for reminding us that God chooses "that special gift" for each of us. Hallelujah!

  2. This a time when so many are feeling depression from everything from political differences to personal relationship with God. No matter what step we are on I know God is with me. When we get too caught up in the world we may be pushing our faith aside. This particular message reminded me that as long I have the vertical line to my creator; God has never left me and continues to give gentle tenderness to all I bring before the Great I Am.

    1. You are so right, Nancy. The tension has become exhausting. But God is working. Hallelujah! I pray we will be intentional about nurturing "the vertical line" to our Creator. We can truly do nothing apart from Him. I appreciate your encouraging words, Sister.

  3. I feel worthless all the time. I moved and lost my home church where I was teaching pre-k Sunday school and cleaning the church every week. After I moved I haven’t found a new church where I feel like I fit in, then the pandemic hit and I’ve been church less ever since. I watch TBN so I still have some sort of connection preaching but most days I don’t even feel saved anymore and like I’m failing God

    1. I’m so sorry it’s been hard as you transition into your new community, Sister. I’m praying that God will lead you to a church family that will love on you as you serve the Lord with them. They need you! I’m excited to hear what God does as you trust Him and move forward with unshakeable faith. You are valuable and created with purpose, Sis. And you are not alone!

  4. Thank you for sharing. I have been feeling like this more times than I even want to admit lately.

    1. Oh, sweet sister, I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling like this lately. You are valued, just because you are you! You make a difference because God created you with purpose on purpose. He is delighted as you rest in His presence and walk day by day in His power. You are loved. And you are not alone! I’m hugging you with prayers as I write this post.

  5. There are times when many of us, especially moms, sisters, children, etc. feel unwanted, unappreciated, unneeded, over-looked and the list goes on and on. We are grateful that our Savior does not look at us that way. Blessings to you for caring and sharing.

    1. Yes. Sadly, many of us struggle with these feelings. I’m so glad God doesn’t expect us to walk by faith alone. He is always with us and He will help us work together as we encourage one another and share His truth and love wherever He leads us. To God be the glory! Thanks for sharing, Sister.

    1. It’s a blessing to know we’re not alone as we trust God one breath at a time. Hallelujah!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this and yes we all have those days and this touched me so much and I love that God can use us no matter how big or small the things we do. I love to encourage others and today you encouraged me.

    God Bless,

    Cylinda McAlister

    1. Thanks for using your gifts to bless others, Sister. You encouraged me with this comment. To God be the glory!

  7. My imperfect heart needed this today. Thank you for so wonderfully expressing your struggles. It is amazing how we can believe that "I’m the only one who feels this way, surely no one else could ever feel as worthless as I do this moment." While it makes me sad that someone else would also experience these feelings, it is encouraging to recognize that I am not alone. Thank you.

    1. Oh, sweet sister, you are not alone! Thanks for sharing your beautifully imperfect heart. You are loved and valued, just because you are you!

  8. As I sat in the evening, lamenting the hours of work ahead of me in hemming my nieces heavily beaded wedding gown, I turned my thoughts outward instead of inward. I realized "she" trusted me with this special task above all others, to make her special day truly special. No longer did the hours of removing beads in order to hand hem the dress matter. What did matter is she trusted ME to fix her dress so she’d be beautiful on her wedding day. I thanked My God, that he enabled me to have the gift and ability to accomplish this task before me. Of course, I’ll probably go through this same thought process as I hem "mom’s" dress and the other bridesmaids dresses in the near future, but I love the idea that they all trust me to perform this task for them. Thank you Lord for this wonderful gift you have given me. Thank you for the "trust" my family members have in me to accomplish these tasks.

  9. You’re the best author ever ! I receive several daily devotionals, and when I get to the bottom of ones that resignate the most with me, they are written by you, every time. Including this one today. they are all very good…….. I’m struggling with these feelings / lies now among others. We do tend to think it is only us. It’s wonderful that you share. It is encouraging and refreshing to know and be reminded it happens to us all. DEVIL IS A LIAR !
    You make a huge difference. I know you do for me. May God Bless You……~Lorraine

    1. God just used you to give me a big ol’ hug of encouragement, Sister. Thanks for your kind words. To God be the glory, the honor, and the praise! I’m so sorry that you’re struggling. When the enemy starts attacking us with lies, I pray we will remember he has no power over us as we fight every lie with the God-breathed truths in Scripture. You are loved!

  10. It is so refreshing to know that we, as Christians, are valuable to the body of Christ. Although we may feel that what we do is insignificant, it is significant in God’s eyes.

    1. God knows our needs, Sis. Hallelujah! I’m so glad you’re a part of the God Hears Her family!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Sister. I’m praying for your friend. She is blessed to have you!

  11. I really understand!!! I have been feeling that God can’t use me for anything. I have been home bound due to chronic illness for 4 years. Very hard for a type A personality. I do pray for others. Sometimes counsel others. I live with my oldest son and family. My illness keeps me worn down. I stay in the Word and pray. Lately though I just feel useless. I know I can’t go on feeling, but on what the Word of God says. So when it gets rough, my family are not the same religion as I am, even though my son was raised in a Bible believing church. I can’t speak of anything here and I can’t get out. My church is good to keep in touch. I am thankful for that!!! God reassures me in many ways everyday that I am useful, but then feelings get in the way. So I stay focused on His word and devotionals. That is where the chain is broken.

    1. Thanks for sharing your heart, Betsy. I’m so sorry you’re hurting. You’re not alone. Living with chronic illness can make us feel isolated, alone, and worthless. Sometimes, I feel so tired and wonder if I can take one more step. But no matter how hard the enemy tries to paralyze us with his lies, God will keep reminding us that He is with us, forever faithful and good. I’m praying He will be our strength and enduring hope as He continues carrying us through each moment of the waiting season. When I wrote Waiting for God, I was sinking into depression and struggled to believe God through a spiritual drought. I’m so grateful He gave me the Bible verses that highlighted His promises so that I could walk in His power and rest in His peace. You are not alone, sweet sister. I’m hugging you with prayers!

  12. Wow! I was just talking about this with a group of ladies of faith this morning! If I keep my eyes and ears open to God’s will, just for today, things work out! Thank you Lord for sending this reading for me to see. You are my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Praise the Lord! I love hearing testimonies about how God is working in amazing ways. Thanks for sharing, Sister.

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