Do I Really Trust Him?

Imagine that God is speaking directly to you. There’s no doubt in your mind—it’s His voice. He tells you He’s going to use you for something huge that’s going to help many people. He’ll tell you every word to say and even throw in a few miracles if any proof is needed. Oh, and He’s not only promising to be with you every step of the way, but also to protect and prosper you in the process.

How would you respond?

Imagine that God is speaking directly to you. There’s no doubt in your mind—it’s His voice. He tells you He’s going to use you for something huge that’s going to help many people. He’ll tell you every word to say and even throw in a few miracles if any proof is needed. Oh, and He’s not only promising to be with you every step of the way, but also to protect and prosper you in the process.

How would you respond?

I’d like to think my answer would be a quick, “I’m in! Use me, Lord!” The truth is, I am (far more often than I care to admit) more like Moses. Not the version of Moses that most often pops in our heads: leading the Israelites out of Egypt; communing with God; and, burning with righteous anger, breaking the tablets when the people dove headfirst into corruption. No, I’m the Moses who was told the very things described above . . . directly by God. He was going to use Moses to save His people, and He would be with Moses protecting him every step of the way.

But Moses was full of excuses.

When I read Exodus 3–6, I feel those excuses down to my core. “Who am I to do this?” “What if no one listens?” “This isn’t me. Someone else would do a better job.” Not his exact words, but you get the idea. These same excuses are not unfamiliar to me. In fact, I can convince myself they aren’t excuses at all but indisputable facts: I’ve got the wrong personality for this or I’m not gifted in that way or I’ve put all of this work/time/money into this other thing—surely that’s what I need to stick to.

But you know the beautiful way God works? All through Scripture, we see that He uses the ill-equipped, the weak, the least, the last. It’s not Jesse’s oldest and strongest son who would be king; it was the young shepherd boy (1 Samuel 16). God chose a prostitute, not a soldier, to help the Israelites capture Jericho (Joshua 2). And He used an orphan girl to save the Jewish people from the mighty Persian empire (the book of Esther).

What better way to announce that deliverance came only from God?

The best part of Moses’ story (this part of it anyway) is God’s response to the excuses (Exodus 4:10–12). He countered excuses with promises. Reading this story, I know that when God calls me, He will teach me, equip me, and give me everything I need to do what He’s called me to do.

It really comes down to “Do I really trust Him to do what He’s promised?” When I felt Him telling me He would redeem my pain from an unwanted divorce, I didn’t trust Him at first. How was that possible? But, ten years after the Lord completely wrecked me (in the best way) with His love for me, I’m now happily remarried to the same man who left.

Only God.

When we felt him leading us to the very public platform of music to share our marriage story, much like Moses, my excuses tumbled over each other: My introverted, scared-of-any-stage self would never be able to pull it off. No one would care to hear me sing, let alone speak. It’s just not practical to leave our steady income for an industry whose level of security is just plain laughable. Yet, the Lord was patient. He continued to show His faithfulness, wooing me deeper into relationship with Him, helping my stubborn and self-reliant soul learn to trust and take a leap—several leaps—of faith. And you know what? Every single step felt like we were stepping off a cliff. Yet every single step was met with solid ground underneath.

Our God is calling all of us to something: a major career change or a cross-country move. Maybe it’s finally opening up and asking for help or joining that small group at church. No matter what it is, no matter if it will affect one person or a thousand, God will give you what you need to do what He’s called you to do. Every single time.

During your next quiet time with the Lord, ask yourself these two things:

1.       What is God calling me to do in my current season?

2.       What is getting in the way of saying yes?

I want to be someone God can use, despite (or even because of) my weaknesses, to make it clear that it was all His doing and not mine. I’m praying boldness for you as you take those scary steps of faith toward something God has called you to. He will be with you every step of the way.

—Written by Stephanie Teague. Used by permission from the author. Click here to connect with Stephanie.

20 Responses

  1. I held this reading for days. I have been in battle with myself over NOT fulfilling God’s call that came March 17, 1966. Now I argued every excuse then until now that I wasn’t capable of writing books. I had not been to but a few hours of college after graduated high school. I waited for ten years before I entered college. Now I knew clearly without any doubt God called me to write. Years go by with my saying I am not qualified. Next, I began to receive many compliments that my prayers were very moving. I was in a Sunday School class with was my parents class with people I grew up knowing as a child. They noticed and often encouraged me to recognize a gift that reinforced what God had told me in 1966. Many years of miracles and tragedies took place as I began writing and self published one book on the wonders of God. I knew I had not fulfilled God’s request back in in 1966. I even thought the one book was it but it was not. I was not getting confirmation from God but request more is needed and I will give you what you need when you need it. Then around 2019 I got to meet a woman UMC pastor that God had sent to my church. Not long before she was going to be out of my life and I had no clue what was working in her life; something happened. As I sat in church listening to one of her beautiful sermons, God called Nancy again. This woman is going to encourage and teach you what you need to know to publish a book. Not only did I send her to inspire you but now the Great I Am gave me a specific subject of this book that has been in my head from 1966 till 2019. The book will be on prayer. Pastor Beverly agreed with me, this is it. It is now 2021 and almost my 77th birthday and it has not been written only copious notes. Then I saw the title of this writing in my emails. All my guilt saying I seem to have writers block. I do not have writers block, I have Satan interfering with me yet again. This article has spurred me to get with my people God has sent to me to accomplish His project. Praise God for gently staying with the stubborn daughter I have been with excuse after excuse. Lord clear the influence of the evil one and place within my mind and heart Your words of love to be shared.
    Nancy Ratcliff

    1. Wow, thank you so much for sharing so openly about your journey of obedience! It is such an encouragement. Praying continued direction for you in your writing!

  2. I ask myself that question when I fear…
    I know in my heart I do love God and trust Him. Why do I react with a negative response… I know what God has done in my life. I want for nothing hallelujah, serving you Lord all the days of my life. It is all because of Jesus. He saved me and delivered me from sins with His ultimate sacrifice. Since now the loss of my Mother both parents recently. I don’t know what to do… I know to wait on the Lord. I believe He will lead me in the way I should go. I pray to be pleasing to you oh God, Abba Father the Holy One. Thank you for God hears her.

  3. I have felt this so Much in My Life , but as I Grow More and More in My FAITH and WALK with GOD I KNOW HE’S GOT THIS

    1. Isn’t it such a gift to be able to look back and see God’s faithfulness? It is such an anchor when we start to fear or go through suffering again!

  4. Sometimes are excuses can come in the form of comparison. "Her gifts are better than mine, and since I am not as good as she is, I might just as well hide in my corner."
    This was an excellent devotional. Thank you for sharing.

    1. YES! I absolutely resonate and have felt that in my life when it comes to making excuses. Thank you for sharing that insight!

  5. Hello ladies, as I read about Moses I can say that I feel like that at times I don’t know if he calling to speak or not because seems like the more I read his word and know how to quote some scriptures I don’t remember which text or verse to find what I’m saying. No matter how much I’ve been studying his word so I asked God to give me knowledge and understanding with wisdom that I may be used for his kingdom, I’m willing but I feel like I will fail him please say a prayer for me. Thank God bless

    1. You are not alone, friend- there have been so many instances in my life when I have doubted whether I was hearing from the Lord or just trying to do something that I felt was best out of my own self-will. Praying right now for you for discernment and understanding as you pursue the Lord’s will for your life.

  6. I read through this commentary and have been tremendously encouraged by it.

    "…God responds to my excuses with promises"

  7. I applaud your honestly and transparent words that speak to me to trust the Lord for all my situations and not to be giving weak excuses to follow Him. I’m aware of my weaknesses, but the Lord will bring me His peace and wisdom when I need it. I am praying for my health and a possible time to be with my grandchildren four hours away. Thank you for your words.

  8. This speaks to my heart today. I am going to closing for my home that I’ve lived in for 56 years. I raised my family there, I lost my husband 💔 there. But now God is providing for me in a different way. I will be living in an apartment in my granddaughter’s home. I want to be used by God in this new chapter of my life.

    1. Wow, your faith and trust in God through such a big change is so inspiring! Praying for a smooth transition for you and for clarity in what God has for you in this new season.

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