The Embrace of Grace

It’s always great to be thankful. On a holiday, special day, any day. We see social media “thank” posts daily for: relationship with Christ, health, family and friends, jobs, ministries, opened doors and opportunities, dreams realized, homes and warmth and shelter, food, peace, freedom, safety, and the list goes on.

My prayer is that gratefulness will extend beyond Thanksgiving weekend or another holiday season and remain my attitude and lifestyle.

It’s always great to be thankful. On a holiday, special day, any day. We see social media “thank” posts daily for: relationship with Christ, health, family and friends, jobs, ministries, opened doors and opportunities, dreams realized, homes and warmth and shelter, food, peace, freedom, safety, and the list goes on.

My prayer is that gratefulness will extend beyond Thanksgiving weekend or another holiday season and remain my attitude and lifestyle. All that we have, if we are honest, is more than enough. We should pause often to give thanks for who God is and for who He has made us to be. Every hair, fingerprint, dimple, freckle, personality trait, and strength each of us has is designed to reflect God’s image (Genesis 1:27).

As we mature, life’s setbacks, strains, and struggles bring blessings and testimonies we can be grateful for too. Devas­tation, failure, betrayal, loss, and hurt turn our hearts in closer intimacy with His. He knows what the hurts He allows will produce. “That I may know Him, . . . and the fellowship of His sufferings” (Philippians 3:10 KJV) tells us that intimacy will involve suffering. Suffering can produce growth in patience, hope, forgiveness, humility, and resilience for Christ. The apostle Paul testified, “Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10 NASB).

A layoff, diagnosis, death, loss of mate, or end of friendship can sour our lives. So can feeling overwhelmed or discontent. There’s good news! “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV). He not only walks with us on the mountains but also in the valleys of our experiences.

Many “walks” support cures for breast cancer, diabetes, aids, and other life-altering diseases. I saw a sign once: “Limping is still walking.” It encouraged runners, joggers, and walkers to stay in the race even if they were limping. Limping means we may walk slower, find a new perspective and norm, but it means we have not quit or become consumed by defeat or depression. Limps still reflect God’s grace.

A few months before my wedding, I experienced a life-changing mission trip to Izmir, Turkey, While studying the seven churches of Asia Minor, our group also built relationships with people and shared Christ. Then I had an accident and injured my legs, ankles, knees, and feet, returning to the States with a limp and a testimony. On my wedding day, I had a knee brace under my wedding gown. It didn’t stop me from a wonderful time, walking down the aisle to the man of my dreams, greeting guests, and dancing the night away. My struggle changed me but didn’t cripple me.

Dear Lord, allow our suffering to strengthen us. Thank You for victory over all things.

So what about you? What are you thankful for? What has changed your life and reminds you of God’s grace? 

— Originally published as “Brace of Graceby Cokiesha B. Robinson in Our Help. Used by permission of Our Daily Bread Publishing®, Grand Rapids MI. All rights reserved. Further distribution is prohibited without written permission from Our Daily Bread Publishing® at

24 Responses

  1. I pray that this piece encourages all who will read it and invites all readers to encounter Christ in new and fresh ways despite suffering in this world. Thanks for your comments and thanks Daily Bread and God Hears Her for sharing. God makes it possible for us to hold hurt, happiness and hope together in faith because of Him. This is an offering to the Lord -written in an act of worship. I still recall the pain of the accident I mentioned in the story, but today, I have the memory from that trip to Turkey and the testimony, but no pain from the accident. Now I replace that story with new stories and God’s continued grace and goodness when pain comes into my life. New season. Same grace. We put our trust in Him. He is the brace of grace. Keep walking my friends, Cokiesha B. Robinson

    1. Cokiesha, Thank you for these words. "God makes it possible for us to hold hurt, happiness and hope together in faith because of Him." YES! We are so grateful for your presence in the God Hears Her community!

      Please join our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer.

      Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  2. I wake up every morning and thank God for the air I breathe and that I can live another day. Living in an area devastated by wildfires with the horrible smoke and bad air, and having loved ones succumb to Covid and spending days in the hospital has taught me…be grateful for good air and being able to breathe.

  3. My son took his life December 11, 2016. I didn’t think I would get through it but with my faith, God’s grace and "limping" along I’ve been doing a lot better. The pain and tears will be with me for the rest of my life but I know Jesus is always there and I never walk alone.
    Forever thankful.

    1. Debora, we pray for the Lords hand on your heart and mind. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and letting us in on how we can cover you in prayer. We never walk alone. So grateful for you!

      Please join our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer.

      Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  4. I will be spending my first thanksgiving in 26 years without my husband which I couldn’t possibly conceive how I was going to get through the upcoming holidays and here I am feeling ok !!! I’m in awe , God has shown up strong for me , nothing but His grace !!!!
    God thank you, I am so grateful, so thankful for your gift of grace that is bringing me through. I love you Father, thank you. ❤️

    1. Terry, thank you so much for your heart in sharing your journey. Goodness, the Lord is so sweet in such hard and unfathomable times. Your testimony of His presence in your life, gives so many people hope. Thank you for these words. We are grateful for you!

      Please join our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer.

  5. I was in a serious car accident. I was a passenger in the car. A woman hit my boyfriends car on my side. We did a complete 360. The car was totaled and I had to be cut out of the car with the jaws of life and was taken to the hospital. I have a brain concussion and brain fog as well as soreness in my neck and back injuries and will have months of physical therapy. God is so good as it could have been worse but God works in mysterious ways because the CT scans and tests revealed I had a greater than 95% blocked carotid artery. If a piece of that had broken off and gone to my brain I would have either died from a stroke or had paralysis. I had surgery within days and I’m healing now. Progress is slow but, God will never leave or foresake us. He’s right there beside us through the storms in life. We are constantly reminded of his unconditional love for us and I am truly thankful for all his many blessings in my life. God bless you and yours.


    1. Sarah, thank you for sharing this. WOW God is so good in protecting you and your boyfriend. We lift your recovery in prayer, that you would feel the Lords presence and healing hand on your body and mind. We are so grateful for you!

      Please join our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer.

      – Co-host to God Hears Her Podcast

  6. Every day I am grateful for the gift of life. About twelve years ago my small dog and I where sunning on a large boulder in the Swift river which flows through the Mount Washington Valley. Suddenly a large dog jumped into the river and started to swim over to the boulder. I yelled at the dog to no avail. I saw the owner and yelled, "Please take your dog away, my dog is afraid." As I said this, several children waded into the water and the dog swam towards them. I decided this was may chance to take my dog home. As I was walking along the shore towards the three flights of stairs that led to the parking lot I kept my eyes on the large dog who continued to bark. As I did so, I did not see a smooth rock that lay under the water. Slipping on it’s surface I fell into the water and struck my head on a large boulder. I managed to get up and climb the three flights of stairs to the parking lot. As I tried to get into my car a man who was changing a flat tire saw me and yelled for me to stop. He rushed over telling me he was a EMT. He examined me and called an ambulance. At the hospital I was told that I was lucky to be alive as I had hit a vital nerve at my temple. The injury however, caused a permanent, but manageable nerve disorder. Thanks to God’s grace, I am alive and able to fully experience life, forever humbled by the gift I was given through His grace.
    Blessings of peace,

  7. I am ever so thankful for how God has kept me and my family/loved ones through this Covid virus this year- for His Hedge of Protection around us. I am thankful for how God continues to give strength and courage to my oldest son going through chemo treatments for colon cancer- for how He continues to give our family the loving prayers and support of those who show such caring spirits. These blessings are priceless and mean so very much to me. Thank You Lord!

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