God Is Near

Like everyone else, my fifth-gear life came to a full stop in March of 2020 when the novel coronavirus began to spread throughout the world. Our three children (ages 13, 12, and 8) came home from school on a Friday and haven’t gone back since. Practices, lessons, and games stopped. Meetings were postponed. Travel was cancelled. The constant narrative that has defined my life since high school, “I’m so busy!” was disrupted, and suddenly, I had all of the space in the world.

God, you’re hilarious.

Like everyone else, my fifth-gear life came to a full stop in March of 2020 when the novel coronavirus began to spread throughout the world. Our three children (ages 13, 12, and 8) came home from school on a Friday and haven’t gone back since. Practices, lessons, and games stopped. Meetings were postponed. Travel was cancelled. The constant narrative that has defined my life since high school, “I’m so busy!” was disrupted, and suddenly, I had all of the space in the world.

God, you’re hilarious.

In mid-March, my husband and I were diagnosed virtually with suspected cases of COVID-19. We both had mild cases, except for a few moments of shortness of breath that almost sent me to the hospital. We began to recover. But for me, some symptoms lingered: shortness of breath, chest pains, lung pain I could only describe as like breathing through broken glass, a racing heart, and fatigue. Most oddly, as some symptoms began to improve into the summer months, others developed: tingling, numbness, and nerve pain in my hands, feet, and face; cold and heat intolerance, headaches, and trouble concentrating plagued my days.

It was absolutely bonkers. My primary care doc, whom I had rarely seen and barely knew before March, became my bff. I sent her PMs in my virtual health app, and she texted back, with test orders and referrals to various specialists. Tests kept coming back normal. When you feel everything but normal, a normal test result is both a relief and extremely frustrating. It sows seeds of self-doubt: Am I just crazy? When I met in person with my physician sometime in mid-June, it was clear that we were both at a loss for what could possibly be wrong.

In spite of the barrage of doctor’s appointments (mostly virtual) and lab tests, the busyness of pre-COVID life seemed a distant memory. My children and I spent long days working together before summer, sometimes peacefully. Other times we all stared at each other like a bunch of exhausted basset hounds and howled our misery. I put together about eighty puzzles and made all the pastries. My husband, Brandon, and I indulged in a charcuterie board of snacks each afternoon. As soon as the weather started to turn, we leashed up our Westie-Schnauzer mix, Izzy, and beat a path around our neighborhood. 

So. Much. Space.

In May, my colleagues and I discussed inviting those on our team that needed the space to be productive at work to return to the office. With no summer or day camps open and the end of the school year approaching, I couldn’t imagine leaving my kids at home with nothing but Doritos and nine hours of unsupervised screen time at their fingertips. I’ve worked full-time ever since my first child was born in 2006; we’ve never spent our summers together. My mom is in her fifth year of stage 4 kidney cancer, and I thought to myself, when am I ever going to have the opportunity to spend so much time with my kids, with her? I decided to continue working remotely with my family, spending two or three days each week with my parents at their home an hour and a half away.

Despite my ongoing health issues, spending long hours after work watching my kids interact with my parents and talking with them around their fire pit made our COVID summer the best summer on record. We’re pretty lucky to have both sets of our parents within a few hours of us, and so we isolated ourselves from most everyone else to be able to feel safe spending time with them, indoors and out. The kids swam every day, explored the farm, stayed up late in their shared room and talked. One night, my son sat out with my dad and watched the stars, certain they spotted an UFO. My daughter and I watched the whole first season of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist with my mom, and the three of us bawled together, weeping our collective grief over what has been and what might come to be, someday.

So. Much. Space.

By August, my new pal, a neurologist I have only seen virtually, assured me I wasn’t crazy by uncovering a significant B12 deficiency and POTS, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, an autonomic nervous system disorder. Finally, something diagnosable!

As summer began to draw to a close, business started to pick up. I served as the Director of Content Marketing at work, and the more meetings I sat in, the worse I felt. I’d crash on the couch each night after dinner and wake up a couple hours later to go back to bed. I absolutely loved my job. I’m used to exceeding people’s expectations; now, I felt like I could barely meet expectations. It felt like I was failing at work and failing at home, unable to do anything at my former capacity. 

No one was putting that pressure on me, of course. It was all in my head. I’ve always prided myself on being a supremely productive person; it has been part of my identity. Suddenly, I couldn’t measure my worth as a human based on my ability to perform, at work or at home. I’ve known that was true ever since I turned to Jesus at age 18, but I hadn’t truly known, in my heart, just how true it was. Through my physical suffering, God was close. God was there. God was comfort and peace in the midst of the need to humble myself and admit that I couldn’t do it anymore. God whispered, “You are worthy of love, just as you are. You are mine.”

As I sought the Lord and talked endlessly with my husband about what I should do, I remembered Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” As I fretted over each and every obstacle or concern I had about leaving my full-time job, God graciously stepped in and just . . . solved them. In November I announced my decision to resign; my last day was January 15. God has brought abundant opportunities for me do freelance writing, a dream of mine I would never have pursued without His relentless efforts to make space in my world. It’s also the kind of work I can do when I feel well and put off doing when I need to recline for a while to get the blood circulating back to my head and heart. Win-win!

In the past, I’ve sometimes wondered about just how intimately God cares about us as individuals. I know God loves us, collectively, God so loved the world and all of that. But me? Does He really care about the small details of my life? During seasons of plenty, God is good, but if I’m dead honest, He can start to feel a little unnecessary. I’m grateful and happy. I know He loves me and He’ll be there if I ever need Him. I send up quick thank yous and amens throughout the day, and it is good.

But when the foundation of your life is rocked and every day requires accepting someone’s help and admitting you can’t do it all, God involves himself in the intimate details and concerns of our particular lives. From molecule to mountain, God is moving. It’s humbling and wonderful. He’s the Word you turn to in the morning to steady the rocking ship for the day and the midnight prayer you send because your heart is racing and you wonder if maybe you might not recover, maybe you might die, maybe you are crazy.

The God of love is there, so close and so present that everything becomes holy, every moment sacred. The God of comfort and peace is right there, making streams through the desert, making a way through the wilderness. Making space.

I wouldn’t wish COVID on anyone, but I also wouldn’t give my COVID year back for anything. God proved himself so faithful to me during this season. God’s love is like that; it’s the kind of love that knows the pain of suffering is worth the grace it works out on the other side. It’s the kind of love that carries you through the agony and holds your hand as you take your first wary steps forward. 

I’m not better, but I’m recovering, slowly. I may never recover fully. But the foundation of my life and my worth is steadfast and true. No matter what happens, God’s love is sure. He holds me through whatever challenges I face, this year and beyond.

—Written by Sarah Wells. Used by permission of the author. Click here to connect with Sarah.

85 Responses

  1. Through your testimony & struggles I can see & feel your faith is strong and getting stronger. It may not seem fair or it may seem frustrating to have set backs and or changes in our life that we did not anticipate or plan. I know this from personal experience. I didn’t particularly enjoy the struggles, life changes, or disappointments that I have experienced in my life, and how these changes altered my plans. Looking back, I can see God’s hand in my life’s path and how He worked things out for my good & His glory. In dealing with my life changes I have learned to rely and trust in God more. My faith has grown and God has blessed me more than I deserve. May God continue to bless you, heal you & comfort you through your struggles.

    1. Lucy,
      These words so beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with the GHH Community. Thank you Lord for being so faithful and so sweet to give us circumstances for us to look back and see His love and provision on it all.

      We are so grateful this was what your heart needed to read! Thank you for showing up and being present in the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  2. I am so sorry for your illness. God is truly our strength and salvation. I was diagnosed with COVID last April, spent a week in ICU and have spent a year recovering that may be an entire lifetime. I am grateful to be here. Gratitude can unlock the fullness of life. I have scarring in my lungs and I have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. It was disheartening to hear the diagnosis, I’m still processing it. But like you said something finally diagnosable. Like the reader Becky commented it was no mistake that I stopped and read this today. Thank you for sharing. Take care & God Bless.

  3. Dear Sarah,
    Thank you for sharing your experience. It is similar to what I felt with having COVID. You said my exact words I used, that you wouldn’t wish this on anyone. There are doubters even with how widespread it has been. But I knew, as you did, that Jesus loves me. An actual sign at Walgreens said so after I received my diagnosis and left the drugstore with antibiotics this past November. My faith in our Lord has sustained me. Although migraines and exhaustion with body aches has been a constant, I drew closer to God in ways I may have never had opportunity to do so before. In Him alone I find peace, comfort, and purpose. May God bless you and all of us!

    1. Karen, so grateful for your words and to read your faithfulness and encouragement, even in the face of exhaustion. We are so grateful for you.

      Thank you for showing up and being present in the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. Hang in there, friend. The journey feels long and can be discouraging – I pray your faith continues to comfort you!

  4. Get well as best you can, Sarah. I’m so sorry you’ve been so sick. Will keep you in my prayers. Some of your writings here are exactly how I feel, but didn’t quite know how to put into words. Planning retirement this year, but nothing turned out as I had hoped. A hard worker my entire life, and then there is nothing. BUT … I have the luxury of watching daily Mass via live stream, pray the Rosary with Monsignor via live stream, returned to serving as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at my parish. I am fortunate enough to get to the gym 4 days a week, and I volunteer with Pastoral Care at a local hospital to pray with the Catholic patients. See my Mom – who turned 90 this year – weekly, and all I can say is ‘Thank you, Dear Lord.’ Thank you, Sarah. Get well soon.

    1. It is a hard shift from one life purpose to another, isn’t it? I am glad you’ve been able to find joy in a new routine. Many blessings!

  5. Thanks for using your very honest voice here Sarah! Our great God who is Creator of all space is still using it for His glory and our good!

  6. What a Beautiful Testimony. Surrender all and allow God to order your steps. I too was not well years ago with depression, chronic IBS, Graves disease always at the Doctors office. Ongoing various therapy for help and relief. I pursued some College, worked and volunteered all my life. Married, divorced twice, dating a single mom. My failing health forced me to chose disability. I cried out God please show me the way. My faith and trust in God inspite of pain and suffering help me surrender. Life is not what I amagined but I found the PEACE I prayed for the longest. Quarantined with mild covid symptoms I except the new way of life. I know God sees the bigger picture and He knows my every need. I can surrender all and rest in His will.


    1. Peggy, I love reading your words of honesty and raw emotion in your walk with the Lord. He wants all of what you are experiencing and He will return what was taken and He will restore what is broken. Praying with you over your mind and body. We are so grateful you are part of the GHH Community!

      Thank you for showing up and being present in the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  7. Every life seems difficult to the other, in my country Venezuela we’ve endured 20 years of dictatorship, with more than 350 political prisoners, some killed, some tortured. Students are detained since 2014. Life here is hard and coronavirus also hits, Maduro said he won’t allow the vaccines in my country, that’s a death sentence in advance. I know that life is hard for you Sarah and I feel for you, but nothing is compared to what we live here. Both my parents died as a consequence to violence in my country back in 2004 and 2009 my dad was 64 my mom was 65. More than 5 million Venezuelans have emigrated even on foot.

    Please please have some perspective living in the US is having the winning ticket

    1. Maite, thank you for sharing what you are experiencing in Venezuela. My heart goes out to you in the loss of your family and seeing oppression everyday. I am praying protection and peace over your daily life and that you will experience the Gods comfort amongst the dictatorship. Grateful for your voice and presence in the GHH Community.
      Thank you for showing up and being present.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. I often think about this, how fortunate we are to live where we are by no reason other than birth. It is humbling. I am grateful for the life I’ve been granted and pray that whatever hope God can offer through the body of Christ that it may extend and help the entire world, not just one pocket of privileged Christians in the US. May the body of Christ rise up to help all. Thank you for your comment.

  8. This is just been a wonderful reminder of God always has a purpose he’s always ever present and how if we trust Him, He rewards us! My job ended 13 months ago. I’m so thankful and grateful that my identity was not first rooted in my position as an entertainer in nursing homes. I’m so thankful that because I am a child of God I know he still has a purpose for me. I definitely struggle with feeling worthless and useless but then I go back to my center which is the truth of gods word and remind myself who I am in his sight! It is doubly hard that I do not have access to my grandchildren because they live so far away so once or twice a year is it. Online is good it’s just not the same as being with them. So I have to give over that disappointment every single day pretty much.. all in all I am a blessed woman and I thank Jesus for being not only my Savior but my wonderful Heavenly Father and dearest of friends!💞✝️

    1. KM, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your journey of processing worthlessness. That is not easy to process but I am so thankful we can call on the Lord to process with us! Grateful for you.

      Thank you for showing up and being present in the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. I’m praying for encouragement and strength for today, friend! His mercies are new every morning. I know that daily need to remember and be encouraged well.

  9. Oh My Sister in Jesus!
    I, too, had Covid with lingering symptoms. Felt like a band squeezing around my chest, squeezing the air out with the inability to inhale more. Missed 5 weeks of work as a nurse. I was finally back at the end of April. November rolled around and I started have low back pain. It got to the point that I needed a cane to walk. Last time I worked was December 4, 2020. The MRI was pretty bad. I have had 3 injections and now need to have actual surgical procedures. The pain is constant. I would say that God placed me flat on my back for a reason- but I can’t lie flat on my back. My life has turned upside down. Then a couple of months in I discovered that I was praying more. Spending time in the Word more. Listening to podcasts where the Word was given. Can’t go to church, because I can’t sit long enough. I am in a different phase of life. Turn 60 next week. My kids are grown. But God has been Faithful! There has been money to buy groceries, pay the rent, keep the lights and cable on. And, I find myself in prayer for our country! Our Father has placed me here to be an interceder. I am asking Him to use me in whatever way He sees fit. In the meantime, Isaiah 30:15 says, " For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.’"
    And, of course, who does not love Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your courage, honesty, transparency have been the boost that I needed tonighy.

    Beth Neal RN

    1. Beth, thank you for your vulnerability! So beautiful to read about the different season and phase of life that you are in and your faithfulness amidst the uncertainty and hardship. Isaiah 40:31 is such a powerful verse. Thank you for reminding me of it!

      Thank you for showing up and being present in the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. What a beautiful way that you’ve found to be present and active with the Lord, creating and abundant prayer life. I pray God will buoy you and encourage you, and give you peace in this most challenging life change. I’m grateful for your story!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing your inspirational message. I am 84 years of age and home bound occasioned by having multiple medical issues. Until two years ago I was very independent so this has been very difficult for me. I am a Christian and believe that hope anchors the soul. My favorite motto is "find joy in the journey." Your message has brought me renewed hope and joy.

  11. I had this for about a week. Just read it. Can relate to God helping to get to the other side.
    I’m not there yet, but after reading this I am going to trust He has a new outlet for me as well.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. It is a journey, friend. I pray that God would sustain you and give you hope for what he has next for you. Much love!

  12. Beautifully written and thanks so much for sharing your experience with us! May God continue to heal & bless you!

  13. For years I lived a busy, borderline chaotic life as a single mom. Never having close friends. Trust issues from being taken advantage of. My son’s grandmother paid for his college tuition otherwise he’d never have gone. That was the beginning of the end of whatever relationship my son and I had. He now lives with a young woman who has cut him off from me and my family but fully embraces his father and father’s family. Hard not to be bitter about throwing 25-plus years of my life into the life of one who’s turned his back but God is good. He has blessed me in so many ways. I live a pretty reclusive life absorbed in 2 rescue dogs, gardening, various hobbies and much Bible study. My heart is stronger. For me covid brought a special stillness that I found healing. I realize it is highly dangerous, and the vaccines are untested. But I also know nothing surprises God. Thankful.

    1. Edith, I am so grateful for your vulnerability and that you have been able to experience the sacredness that stillness that it offers our soul.

      Thank you for showing up and being present in the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. What a beautiful statement there: Nothing surprises God. I pray that more and more of us would find the redemptive love of Jesus through this suffering.

  14. U see what happens when u share your story with others, it brings out others who share theirs. We all have our own story to tell and that to me allows me to b confident that I’m not alone. We all go through but when ppl share with others it brings so much strengh and empowerment to know that God is the one constant that brings us out brings us thru. Yet n order to know that for ourselves we gotta experience it.To God b the glory for what he has done, what he continues to do in all of our lives to bring us closer to him. Thanks Ms Sara for your testimony .

    1. Special K, I always love seeing your words show up on these articles. They are such a healing balm that the Lord uses to bring us back to the truth of His faithfulness. Thank you for always showing up and being present in the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer yet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  15. I just want to say how blessed I was to read your story. My husband and I had our lives turned upside down when my business after years of success began to fail. We were struggling to make ends meet and we had to admit that we could no longer afford our home or really to live in California. My business staff had dwindled to just my husband and myself working from home. In those humbling, humiliating times I learned that God’s ways are not our ways and that the miracles you pray for … may not be the miracles God provides. My husband and I are now so very blessed to live in Georgia in a home that has been paid for and we still have jobs in our business that provide for a very peaceful and comfortable lifestyle. I could never have predicted that moving to Georgia from California, where I grew up, would be the greatest blessing of our lives. I feel like we belong here and should have made the decision to come so much earlier if it weren’t for my pride. We have found a wonderful church home and our neighborhood is filled with good people who care about one another. God is so incredibly good and I’m so glad that his ways are not our ways.

    1. Jo, I live in Georgia!! And oh how I empathize with you in business loss and hardship, I too had to close a brick and mortar and lost my staff. It is so easy to find our sense of worth in the most unbearable and exhausting time of what feels like failure and loss. God is so sweet to show up during seasons of complete confusion. I am so encouraged and inspired by Gods presence in your life. Thank you for sharing and being a part of the GHH Community!

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. What a beautiful story of God’s redemptive work! I’m glad to hear that you have found joy and peace in a new way of life that, like me, you probably wouldn’t have wished for at first. God makes all things new!

  16. Thank you so much for this! I am in the same place but I stopped working due to my husband’s illness. I appreciate that you understand this process and were able to process and verbalize it so well. It makes me feel better knowing someone else has and is going through the same situation I am experiencing. God bless!

  17. Thank you for this wonderful article, especially the last paragraph. I totally agree with you. God’s love is always there.
    This past year has been very hard. Last August I found out I have small cell lung cancer. I did chemo & radiation. I also got very sick & spent the first week of 2021 in the hospital. I have ongoing health issues but am now in remission from the cancer.
    I made it through, am still making it through each day because of my prayers & the many prayers of others.
    I thank God all the time as well. He is amazing.

    1. Sheila,
      Thank you for sharing your journey with us and being vulnerable. We are praying over your body, mind, family, friendships. That you will experience the Lords comfort emotionally and physically. We are so grateful you are part of the GHH Community! <3

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and pray that you continue to experience healing and God’s presence during such a challenging season. May God’s joy be with you!

  18. Amen. What a blessed testimony. I’ve been finding myself extremely exhausted for the past couple weeks, erratic heart rate and finally twinging on the right side of my face. Diagnosed with low potassium and hemoglobin. So I’m now on meds. I’m not fully back to baseline but I’m giving God thanks and praises for every waking moment.

    1. Fay, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your words. We are praying over your body and mind, that you will experience healing and the sweet Lords comfort. We are grateful you are a part of the GHH Community!

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. I’m glad to hear you have some answers – I pray that you begin to recover. It’s so scary living in the unknown but thankfully our God is with us.

  19. To those closing statements I shout a loud AMEN! I am 71 yrs. old, and this past year has brought me closer to God than I have ever been! He brought me to a new and loving Church family, my prayer life is stronger than it has ever been, and God is using me in ways I never thought possible!!! I am so grateful for the love of God in my life and His Holy Spirit for giving me the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment in all things of Him.

  20. Thank you Sarah for your story. I struggle with anxiety and panic. You definitely can’t find anxiety in a blood test. Anxiety has grown and makes me feel week, sad and a failure. My strength is sapped. I’m tired of the mental war in my big head.
    I have a wonderful supportive husband. And friends and siblings who encourage me and point me back to God.
    It’s hard for me to rest my mind with my situation. How I long to feel whole, to feel normal and not condemn myself. But I know their is no condemnation in our precious Savior. So when I am struggling with my thoughts, let me sing praises to him, let me bring to mind his word, let me doubley enjoy all his blessings that are with me every day and May I have a heart of gratitude. I pray healing will come someday. What if it doesn’t? What if this is my forever truth? Will I waste my life with worry and shame? Will I give my hours of my life to darkness and not to the Light of the world?
    Please God, May my heart trust you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Trust in the Lord. Trust!

    1. Linda, thank you for sharing and being vulnerable. I too have had a past wrestling with panic attacks and anxiety. Being surrounded while experiencing loneliness in your mind is extremely heavy and hard to overcome. You are not alone. We will join you in prayer. That the Lord will over power any thoughts that begin the spiral of anxiety and panic. That you will feel His presence and comfort. We pray that shame will dissipate and your voice of praise will be heard over lies in your mind. Your awareness and surrender is beautiful. We are so grateful for you are a part of the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. I can relate to those same worries and anxieties – will I ever be well? What if I won’t? His mercies are new every morning – I guess that is why we are called to pray for our daily bread to get through and live as vibrant and full of grace life as possible. Blessings on you, friend.

  21. Excellent article, it really brought home to me God’s presence . Although,I have not mercifully had COVID, I have two friends that died from it. My husband is not well, a fast decline since 11/19 and now after several surgeries and finally a diagnosis, is in assisted living. And through it all, God has been my anchor.

    This article reminded me of his faithfulness as I support friends and attempt to remind them to lean upon God.

    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Anne, we are covering your husband in prayer. Thank you for being honest and vulnerable with your current circumstance. We are so grateful for your strong faith amidst the hardship. Thankful you are part of the GHH Community.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. I’m so sorry for the long road of suffering you’ve been walking. I pray that God remains close to you during this challenging season!

  22. Oh how I can relate to this! Although I would not wish this or anything similar on anyone, it is also encouraging to read this and “hear” someone else that sounds exactly how I think and feel about my own illness and my own worth. Thank you for sharing! Yes, God is present even when we don’t feel Him or recognize His working and God will get us through each thing we ever have to go through. Thanks be to God!

    1. Von, so beautifully said: "God is present even when we don’t feel Him or recognize His working and God will get us through each thing we ever have to go through."

      We are so grateful that you are a part of the GHH Community!

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  23. What a blessed testimony! In 2012, GOD walked with me through a very rough year, when I suffered my aneurism in March, at first my family was being told I would NOT survive, only to being told within a couple of weeks that it looked like I would survive, but they should start making arrangement because my remaining years would be spent in a 24/7 care facility, but within a couple of weeks of that diagnosis, I was being moved out of the ICU and to a floor of brain injury patients receiving physical therapy to relearn the simple things in life: speech therapy, climbing stairs, making good decisions, etc. It’s kind of funny, to now hear my daughter tell me how annoyed I’d get telling her how they treated me like a little kid, she has to tell me because I’ve never regained my memory of most of this time. Back to the testimony, within two weeks of being in the therapy, I was released to my husband care to go home, and our life return to somewhat normal, I still saw doctors and attended some counseling sessions, but in July, I was released from pretty much all of it, I had gone from weekly visits to monthly visits to make an appointment if you have a problem. I KNOW and can see that GOD walked me through this. But HE wasn’t done yet, as HE held and guided me when a month after the doctors released me, my husband suffered a heart attack and died in his sleep. JESUS held me while staying with me as my Pastor, my son & his family and I made the funeral arrangements. This was a lot, but I will NEVER be able to describe the feeling of PEACE that HE placed deep in my soul during this time, which was greatly appreciated when 3 weeks later my mother who had dementia and had lived with us up until my trip to the hospital, passed away. So YES, 2012 was hard, but I know GOD turned the bad into positive as I’ve watched my relationship with HIM grow to so much more than it had ever been before, and HE gave me a testimony of HIS greatness and love to share with others.

    1. Dianna, thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your story. God is so good even in the midst of hardship and uncertainty. His faithfulness has gifted you the ability to remind others of it when they feel faithless.

      We are so grateful that you are a part of the GHH Community!

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  24. Thank you for this devotional!!! This is almost literally exactly what I am dealing with, down to the post Covid symptoms. The day before Covid hit our family, back in December of 2020, the Lord gave me Exodus 14:14, three different times, “The Lord will fight for you, you need to be still”. My spirit knew He was preparing me for something. My husband and three kids were spared (thank you Jesus!) I wasn’t so fortunate and got hit with Covid pretty bad. By His Grace and sovereignty, I keep going back to that verse knowing that He is here with me. I’m still out from work, and will probably have to step down as well. I feel broken physically. (I am a very active person, and my stamina is gone). Yet I know that God is in control, and He keeps showing Himself to me over and over again. Bless you and thank you for sharing your testimony!

    1. Romy, thank you for sharing your story. The Lord is so sweet to give you Exodus 14:14 three different times. We are praying with you that the Lord will restore what was taken and you’ll experience a renewed energy.

      We are so grateful that you are a part of the GHH Community!

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

    2. What a wonderful verse to be given from the Lord to help sustain you. Rest is so important. I pray that you will experience a full recovery, and in the meantime, that you might continue to sense the Lord’s presence through this season.

  25. 💞 Thank you, I enjoyed this reading and found the similarities of my last Covid year very comparable. We are never alone and I believe.

  26. Sarah, this is so moving. I have a friend suffering from post Covid Syndrome. I’m sharing this with her.

  27. Sarah thanks so much for posting this update on your health issues. I’m in a similar situation and this was so encouraging Although I’m in my 70s and not working I am discouraged over health issues and past failures Trying to cling to fact that God does indeed love me Thanks again
    God bless you and your family

    1. Sarah, we are so grateful that you are a part of the GHH Community! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your discouragements. We pray over your heart, that the Lord will take the sting of past failures and replace it with the truth that He sees you as loved and valued. Forgiven and have purpose in your 70s. You have so much joy, aches, and wisdom to offer those around you.

      We are grateful for you!

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  28. Thank you for this. The timing spot on. My entire life was disrupted when my partner of the last two years ended things without warning and abruptly. A seemingly "perfect" and happy life came to a screeching halt and I packed all of my life’s belongings into storage and moved in 36 hours. My heart shattered, my sense of belonging gone, so many questions, so much pain.. I have been here before and know that God and his grace, providence, and love is what helped me climb out… Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Melissa, we are so grateful that you are a part of the GHH Community. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing the wrestlings of your heart. I too know the residue of heartache and the "suddenly" pains.

      I am praying that you will feel the Lords presence and comfort in the mornings and nights. I pray that you will experience a relief and on the hard days, know that your pain is seen by our heavenly Father. That He will give you the eyes to see and ears to hear his nearness. You are absolutely loved and valued.

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  29. Certainly a tough year……I had covid but recovered after 6 weeks…….my heart goes out to you!! You are a fabulous writer and you do have a gift!! Keep it up Sarah Wells!!

  30. Praise God for this beautiful testimony to His Glory! It was a word of encouragement to me and I am sure many others who feel that we are walking through a maze that we call life over the past year. I can see how God has grown me in my faith and my reliance on Him throughout this season. As we "wait on Him" I just want to come out on the other side stronger in my faith, assured of His plan and purpose for my life and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that He works all things together for our good.

  31. “…the pain of suffering is worth the grace it works out on the other side.” So very true! Thank you for sharing your experiences and your hope!

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