Life that Leads to Worship

What comes to mind when you think about worship? For me, my thoughts are immediately flooded with lyrics from my favorite songs. I’m brought back to those special moments in church when, with hands raised and tears streaming, I felt the presence of the Spirit of God. Or when I joined with amazing worship leaders who push me past barriers and help me enter the presence of God.

What comes to mind when you think about worship? For me, my thoughts are immediately flooded with lyrics from my favorite songs. I’m brought back to those special moments in church when, with hands raised and tears streaming, I felt the presence of the Spirit of God. Or when I joined with amazing worship leaders who push me past barriers and help me enter the presence of God. 

Unfortunately, moments like those can fade away and we’re left longing for the next experience. But what if we didn’t have to?  What if our everyday lives could be lived in that same spirit of worship to our God? And how can we help pull others into His presence?

The bottom line is that worship isn’t about a song; it’s a state of mind. It’s when your heart sings of the goodness of God, even if your lips aren’t moving. I know this, but sometimes it’s difficult to feel it and to live like that. It doesn’t penetrate my heart. I sometimes feel like my life doesn’t really reflect the goodness that I know God has shown me.

Do you ever feel like what you’re doing isn’t enough to measure up to the goodness that God deserves? If we aren’t walking on purpose, doing amazing things for the Kingdom, and posting it on social media, are we doing enough? I’ve fallen victim to that narrow idea of a life that “shows” worship. Maybe that’s the narrow perspective you were taught as well. The good thing is, that’s not what God’s looking for. He’s looking for true worship. True worship is when what you do becomes less about you and more about glorifying God.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” —(Colossians 3:23-24).

This Scripture changed, and is still changing, my life. Although the context is about biblical slavery, the principle pointed me to a new revelation: our work is a form of worship to God when the focus is to please Him. Not just our careers. But the way we love our husbands, how we nurture our children, how we care for family and friends and how we treat the strangers he places in our paths. The seemingly insignificant can be monumental in the Kingdom of God. When our lives reflect the lyrics of the songs we sing, that brings glory to our Father.

How does this impact the way we live? If I’m honest, even after years of practice, I’m not even close to perfect. I don’t wash my dishes as unto the Lord. Sometimes I cut corners on the tasks that I’d rather not do. And I can get an attitude when my plans are interrupted and I have to serve someone else. In those moments, I must remind myself that I’m a reflection of God’s love on the earth. We all are. I don’t want to distort His beauty with the ugliness that can be in my heart. Do you? Of course not.

When I catch myself with that mindset, it helps to think of what God has done for me. The simple recollection of His love overwhelms me and moves me into worship. Every time He caught me when I could’ve fallen, forgave me when I didn’t deserve it (which, by the way, is every time), and showed me grace and mercy instead of wrath, requires a response. And that response is to worship, and to have it permeate everything I do.

Israel Houghton sings a beautiful song titled To Worship You I Live. It’s one of my go to jams when I need to escape myself, my emotions and my will, and surrender to God. It draws me back to the reason I was created—to worship. And while it may seem ideal simply to sit and soak in God’s presence every minute of our lives, we can’t. Instead, what we can do, what He calls us to do, is to worship in everyday life, in multiple fashions and interactions with people—drawing them to Him. God calls us all to be worship leaders.

Perhaps, you’re looking for a way to worship with your life. It doesn’t have to be complicated. What’s one way that you could bring joy to a friend? Hope to a stranger? Strength to someone in need. What has God placed inside of you that others could benefit from. Maybe it’s your ability to serve, your heart for hospitality, or your ability to uplift and encourage. When you do those things in any way, focusing on the Father, you’re living a life of worship.

We may not have the titles of Worship Leaders in our occupation. But, as believers, it’s our privilege to lead a life that adorns God with glory every day. May everything you do, even the mundane and minuscule, point people to the overwhelming love of God.

—Written by Bree Rostic. Used by permission from the author. Click here to connect with Bree.

9 Responses

  1. I know for sure I can’t ever be perfect in serving the Lord–none of us can. Our best is like filthy rags before our omnipotent Father. That doesn’t mean we close off out hearts and give up. We search and strive with the help of the Holy Spirit for the strength to do the Father’s will and that is also a matter of attitudes! I was a RN supervisor over a unit of 50 patients and 75 staff. I had great opportunity to show God’s face to so many. Then I received the diagnosis of Lupus. It was a tough one. Within a short 7 years I went from doing fairly well to becoming disabled. I was married with 2 young boys to raise. I was a active Christian, doing my best to follow the Spirit’s leading. Everything came apart, my marriage, my job and my health were gone. Thankfully God knew the boys needed to be with me. The divorce and custody battle lasted 2 years, yet somehow through God’s grace and my worship of Him through that time, led me in time to a full surrender of everything. When you are totally dependent on God. You are at His feet. Everything is an act of worship. Satan hates that and will attack you every way he can. You fall, but God picks you back up and you find quickly the tactics satan uses and you learn to let Christ fight those battles and give Him praise and glory for overcoming much pain in your walk with Him.
    Things became very hard to do-I realized I could do nothing in and of myself. I have to lean into God for everything.
    That is worship for me. Giving God the glory if I can make it through 1 day without falling apart Thankfullly, Jesus is my Savior, Lord and best friend. I go to Him for everything. He has used my life to show others that they too can go forward in confidence that He will provide and can be praised in the process. My verses are 2 Corinthians 1:3-7.

  2. Yes
    Worship is how we feel about God.
    We want to lift up our voices because of what Heavenly Father has done for us.
    Maybe He answered a prayer for you.
    A friend or your husband was close to Death and you prayed at the right moment and the Doctors were able to help your husband.
    Thank you so much for your New book
    God hears her.
    It’s like you are reading out of my journal

  3. This story is similar to a recent conversation with a Dear Friend. We questioned ourselves, are we doing enough for God and the Kingdom… Is what we do in helping others in the right and true Spirit. As we get on with our lives everyday we need to stop and check our motives… is it for God and is it pleasing to God. There is no doubt how much we love God and there is not enough words to express our heartfelt gratitude for all He has done. What a mighty God we serve. There is none, no not one, like King Jesus. We Honor and Adore Him. He is first in our lives and we live it out serving Him all the days of our lives. Then He shall say, " we’ll done…my good and faithful servant". Thank you for sharing the word of life and your sincere heart. God Bless you and this Beautiful Ministry.

  4. I loved your message today. A reminder to me that even my lowly tasks done in love (with God in mind) are noticed by Him. Thank you Jesus.

  5. This was so good to reminds us that worship is not just something we do once a week but it should be our life style. To God be the Glory!

  6. I so look forward to finding God Hears Her in my inbox.
    Today’s message really spoke to me, they all do, but this one hit home.

    Thank you.

  7. This description is what my life has been, as well as where it is now. I know I can never do enough for God. Especially since I seem to be on the sidelines now. Not giving back, nor even making an effort to lead anyone into His presence. Maybe one day I can get back to that place of worship. A place where they see only God, and not me. Thanks for giving me the wisdom today to know that’s where I need to be.

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