Look What God Is Doing

God is doing amazing things in our God Hears Her community! First, we thank Him; and second, we thank you. It’s so exciting to watch you reach out to each other in our Prayer and Encouragement Group. We love reading your comments on social media and seeing that you’re sharing the posts to encourage others. And we know you’re benefiting from the podcast because this audience continues to grow.

God is doing amazing things in our God Hears Her community! First, we thank Him; and second, we thank you. It’s so exciting to watch you reach out to each other in our Prayer and Encouragement Group. We love reading your comments on social media and seeing that you’re sharing the posts to encourage others. And we know you’re benefiting from the podcast because this audience continues to grow.

You probably have your own stories of something you heard or read in this God Hears Her community that has challenged you or caused you to pause and say, “Hey, yeah, I get it!” We’d love to hear from you and see how God is working in your life. We have a few stories to share with you of how God has directly impacted the lives of other women.

Reena and her daughter Jasmine have both grown in their faith and found healing from past trauma because of the authenticity in the God Hears Her podcast. Reena writes:

I especially appreciate the guidance, education, and heartfelt words provided through the God Hears Her podcast. My oldest daughter, Jasmine, recently left Minnesota to start her residency in Seattle. The God Hears Her podcast has been so important to her, especially during her time away from the familiar. She has shared podcasts with me when I needed them most, but when I didn’t even know I needed them. The messages speak to her heart, and she is uplifted and nourished. I feel the same way when I listen in. Thank you for being there for Jasmine.

And Kim shares how the devotional has helped her get back on track with her heavenly Father this past year: “My husband has had a rough month dealing with COVID-19. My daughter gave me your devotional a year ago. I read it, find the Scripture in the Bible, and highlight it and read it over and over! Thank you for your beautifully written book. We have to be humbled sometimes to come back to God. I rededicated my life last Sunday.” 

Women are turning to God and finding strength in difficult circumstances through this community. And you are helping to make that happen as you encourage each other, like and share posts, and purchase these God Hears Her resources for your friends and family.

Another thing we love about this community is the diversity. We’re hearing from women all around the world, like Geetha from India who recently went through a health crisis and found comfort in her daily reading of God Hears Her. She writes,

Anybody would naturally be afraid and tensed up. What if the result was positive? It would be cancer. Naturally I got up that morning filled with fear in my heart. As I had my morning quiet time, there was a verse in God Hears Her which strengthened me, and I calmed down. The reading highlighted Psalm 34:4: “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” I knew that God would be with me, whatever the result.

Isn’t that amazing? As Geetha expressed, God can speak to us and calm our troubled hearts through His powerful Word. We know this is true, and that’s why we keep reading His Word and spreading His love so that others can have that same certainty.

Women around the world are understanding the beautiful truth that God is listening to them and that He deeply cares about every aspect of their lives. As we continue to reach more and more women, we’re excited that God Hears Her has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and both Traditional and Simplified Chinese. Again, you are helping to make that possible!

And it’s not just diversity of location and language, but age too. Laura wrote us saying, “I love this devotional! More importantly, both my teenage daughters love it and are using it for their own personal devotions!” We’re so excited that young women are deepening their walk with the Lord.

Another area where God’s light is shining brightly is in prison cells where it’s so easy to lose hope. Because of your generous donations and simply by purchasing the devotional, we’ve been able to give over 5,000 copies of God Hears Her and God Sees Her to encourage incarcerated women in the United States and Canada.

Dara from Crossroads Prison Ministries sent us this note: “The God Hears Her devotionals are an incredible source of encouragement for our students. The easy-to-read meditations on God’s Word and daily reminders of His grace will be a powerful resource they can turn to when the darkness of prison feels overwhelming.”

This is community, and this is what we are doing together . . . sharing God’s message with all women no matter where they are in life. So thank you for being a part of this community. Thank you for reading, listening, and sharing. And thank you for joining us in reaching every woman with the good news that God hears her, sees her, and loves her.

Yes, I Want More Women to Know that God Loves Them!

YES! I want to help

If you haven’t joined our Prayer and Encouragement Group on Facebook, sign up now!  

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6 Responses

  1. My name is Mildred and I live in Florida I love god hears her, its such an encouragement that others feel as I do. That there are times in my daily walk with the Lord, when I’m asking and seeking and of course praying that the Lord seems so distant, and I often wonder and ponder does the Lord really hear me. So as I continue to read God hears her, I’m often reminded that yes God does in fact hear me. So thanks to all of you and continue to be used by God to keep us all encouraged.

    1. Mildred, so encouraged and inspired by your vulnerability! Thank you for being a part of the GHH community! We wouldn’t exist with out women like you who continue to show up!

      Have you joined our women’s prayer group and let us know how we can cover you in prayer? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1065571583891975

      Eryn Co-Host to God Hears Her Podcast

  2. Thank you so so much for your podcast; it just nourish my heart so deeply every time I listen to it. Elisa thank you for pointing at the book of John 13-and on, his words are just beautiful; they spoke directly to my heart. I’ll be waiting for March.

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