The Only Way

“I am the way.” John 14: 6

When my husband stopped driving, I started fretting. Did I see well enough at night to drive us? Would I get lost? Could I ignore his “back seat driving,” telling me which lane to take, where to turn, or which route to follow to get us home?

“I am the way.” John 14:6

When my husband stopped driving, I started fretting. Did I see well enough at night to drive us? Would I get lost? Could I ignore his “back seat driving,” telling me which lane to take, where to turn, or which route to follow to get us home?

Then, late one night, our conflicts came to head. After leaving our grandson’s basketball game in an unfamiliar part of town, I turned our car on a dark street and sensed immediately I was going the wrong way. Worse, both Dan and I had forgotten to bring our phones. We had neither a GPS nor the good sense to stop and ask for directions. 

Our best hope was the compass on the car’s dashboard—faintly glowing “W” for west. To get home, we’d have to head east—showing as “E.” Choosing not to argue with my husband over our dilemma, I turned the car completely around to go the proper direction. Soon, indeed, we saw familiar landmarks, both of us confessing relief to be back on track. Any other way would never have taken us home.

Jesus expressed such a truth when speaking to His disciples in the upper room about going home to His heavenly Father. “I am going there to prepare a place for you…[and] you know the way to the place where I am going” (John 14: 2-3).  A doubting Thomas, however, soon questioned the Lord’s directions. “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (vv. 5).

Jesus’ answer is unwavering. “I am the way…no one comes to the Father except through me” (vv. 6). Spoken with total clarity and without compromise or confusion, Jesus instructs them—and us—that going other ways, or following opposing directions takes us off the path to a life and salvation in Him. Other paths may look appealing, attractive, or help us avoid conflict. Other people may insist they know best. But the only way to get home to our Heavenly Father is through Christ. My husband and I finally discussed that truth, grateful to know the Lord as the only way also to our Peace. By faith, may we follow Him always.

–Written by Patricia Raybon. Used by permission from the author.

4 Responses

  1. Staying on the path that God has shown me is what my 105-year-old grandma told me to stay on. Go where he leads you!

  2. The only way to have peace in this world is to follow Christ. After trying to do things my way and/or listening to others, who may have meant well, but did not have the knowledge or wisdom of the Lord, I discovered that the Lord knows what is best for us!!!!

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