What’s In a Name?

I enjoy seeing my neighbors, but our encounters had been superficial at best—until I read Brandon Clements’ The Simplest Way to Change the World.
Clements wanted to impact his neighborhood for Christ, so he created the Always Rule. No matter what he was doing, if he encountered a neighbor he didn’t know, he always introduced himself and asked their name. He hoped learning his neighbor’s names would spark friendships that would enable him to share the gospel.

Walking the streets of my neighborhood, I encounter others who exercise early in the morning. There’s a blonde woman with a big white dog, a runner who makes me look like Grandma out for a Sunday stroll, and a dark-haired woman walking her Brittany spaniels. In the cul-de-sac on the right is a middle-aged man with a Jack Russell terrier and a young guy huffing and puffing his way up the hill.

I enjoy seeing my neighbors, but our encounters had been superficial at best—until I read Brandon Clements’ The Simplest Way to Change the World

Clements wanted to impact his neighborhood for Christ, so he created the Always Rule. No matter what he was doing, if he encountered a neighbor he didn’t know, he always introduced himself and asked their name. He hoped learning his neighbor’s names would spark friendships that would enable him to share the gospel. 

Determined to apply the Always Rule, I introduced myself to Lisa, a teacher at an alternative school in the district, and Bonnie, a physical therapist. Marcella works at a nearby hospital. Bruce (with his Jack Russell, Panda) manages a golf store in the mall, and Jeff has four young boys. Each new name went into the Notes app of my iPhone.

With a little effort and a few friendly greetings, strangers became friends. Learning my neighbors’ names was the first step in getting to know them. 

The same has been true in my relationship with God. For years I’d walked with Him, but really didn’t know Him. I’d nod and smile, acknowledge His existence, and occasionally exchange words, but until I learned His names (and His character) our relationship was superficial at best. 

One year, desperate to know God better, I applied the Always Rule to my Bible reading. Every name of God went into my journal. 

Genesis 21 contained the story of Hagar and one of God’s names—El Roi, the God Who Sees Me. This name revealed, in a deeper way, that God sees everything that happens in our lives. The name El Roi testifies to an aspect of God’s character too, His omniscience. Learning this name and its accompanying character trait comforts me whenever I feel marginalized and unseen.

In Genesis 22, the story of Abraham and Isaac showcased another name for God—Jehovah Jireh—God Will Provide. This name affirms that God will supply our needs. It reveals His generous heart, His vast resources, and His understanding of every need of our mind, body, and soul. Unlike a deadbeat dad who does everything he can to escape his responsibility to provide for his child, Jehovah Jireh is honorable and dependable. His provision is never late or insufficient.

The name Jehovah Nissi, the Lord Our Banner, occurs in Exodus 17 and demonstrates how God can bring victory in seemingly impossible battles. The Lord Our Banner goes with us, His steadfast loyalty covering us as we march forward. Jehovah Nissi will fight beside us in the trenches of life until we vanquish the enemies that threaten us and our loved ones. He will not abandon us when the fighting grows fierce or turn His back when we stumble and fall. He’ll shoulder our burdens, urge us onward, and shield us from the enemy’s fiery darts. With Jehovah Nissi at our side, victory is sure.

Every name in Scripture teaches us something about the personality, power, and character of God. The more we learn about His character, the more we will trust Him. The more we trust Him, the bolder our faith steps will become. The bolder our faith steps become, the more we’ll experience the abundant life and peace He promises. 

On my morning walks in the neighborhood, there may come a day when I meet a neighbor who has a bad name or reputation, but we never have to fear learning God’s names. Every one reinforces the fact that God is more wonderful than we could ever imagine. In His name we’ll find everything we need. 

If you struggle to trust God, or you just want to learn more about Him, study His names. 

But before you do, strap on your safety harness. You’re about to begin an exercise that will catapult your spiritual life and make it soar.

And what a marvelous journey that will be.

—Written by Lori Hatcher. Used by permission of the author. Click here to connect with Lori.

29 Responses

  1. Thank you LAURA, for reminding me that I am a child of GOD and His love for me is priceless🙌🏾🙌🏾! I am GRATEFUL🙌🏾🙌🏾!

  2. So far, about 3 years ago, I have found 33 names of God which I have allso shared with many friends.
    Using Jeremiah 33:3 as my baseline, where that scripture says "call on me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things you do not know", I figured out that it would be good to know what to actually call God. So I started my quest for His names.

    It is a wonderful way to know God and seek Him in our deepest worries and fears.

    I love that El Rapha, Ebenezer, El Sali and El kohl Nechemah amongst many others are my favourite 😍 ❤️.
    Thanks Lori for sharing.

  3. This article was very insightful and gives me a reason to remember the name and significance of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

  4. Learning all of God’s names has really helped in my walk with the Lord. Thank you for sharing this awesome gift.

  5. Sometimes I think that for some, their lives are so harried they don’t have the time to find out as I did what all of God’s names are.
    I just found out myself.
    Even though not everyone knows all the names listed here, I do truly believe they do know they can speak to God any time of day or night…….

  6. Hi,you’re so right, I started my walk about twenty years ago, and studied God’s word because I really needed things to change in my life, so the more I learn about God the more I learn about me and what a awesome blessing it’s been.

    1. What a great observation, Lillian. It’s true! Learning about God brings us face to face with ourselves. And that’s a good thing when God is there to help us 🙂

  7. AMEN AMEN!!!. For there is power,deliverance,healing,love,salvation,restoration,grace, peace ,joy, kindness, generosity and so on and so on in his NAME,👏👏👏👏👏👏

    1. It’s endless, isn’t it? We can never reach the end of God’s wonderfulness (is that a word??). Amazing!

  8. I love that you are on a mission to be more involved with people around you. Learning names is the first start to a friendship. When realizing how many names God’s character reveals, I found it a challenge to find out more. Thank you for the tip of learning His names through Bible Study and seeking to know God on a personal note where He is a trusted friend.

    1. Learning God’s names and the character quality that goes with them did so much to help my love for Him grow. I hope it does the same for you, Kathy.

  9. I enjoyed that story so much, while on my lunch my break. I often start conversations with strangers but I appreciate the depth that you g.j o. I can’t wait to go home and look the names of Jesus up and ingrain their meanings better for myself. Thank you, Dawn

  10. Excellent and as I read who God is I went to immediate examples how He has revealed Himself to me. These words were meant for me at this point in my life.

    1. That’s another aspect so love about God, Nancy. Because he knows us intimately, He provides exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. What a Savior!

  11. I struggle to trust God, struggle to understand His Word. This message encouraged me, and reminded me that our Heavenly Father is the perfect Father, and is exactly what and who He say’s He is. On my prayer list I have written out Exodus 34: 6 & 7: And the Lord passed before Moses, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgressions, and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty. What an amazing God He is!

    1. That’s one of my favorite passages, Elaine. So many marvelous aspects of God’s character all squished into one passage. What an amazing God indeed!

  12. Good morning, I have been curious about drawing closer to God. How and what does that mean. I read my Bible, study, pray, meditate and Praise God daily. But something is missing. I read the Our Daily Bread. I didn’t see God hears but later as I was searching my email there it was. ..I read slowly and wonder where it was leading and came across God’s names hallelujah the light turned on in my Spirit. That is it…confirmation to know my God more personal and to go deeper into His Personality and Character. I love God, I Honor Him and His Holy Names. He is my Abba Father. We all have a story.. Thank you for sharing your Beautiful story.

    1. I’m so glad, Peggy. God is always willing to reveal Himself to us, but seldom without effort on our part. But the reward of discovering aspects of His character is well worth the effort we expend.

  13. This is great but maybe we shouldn’t use terminology like " dead beat dad" it seems judgmental.

  14. This is a wonderful story and so very true. I never really gave a lot of thought to the other names our Savior has – thank you for pointing them out and explaining their meaning.

    1. You are most welcome, Stacy! The names of God are a never-ending fountain of refreshment. Enough for us all to drink deeply!

  15. I love God’s names – I especially like Jehovah Rapha – the God of healing, becaise He has done a lot of that in my life – physically and emotionally.

    1. Me too, Donna. I’m so glad he knows our bodies and hearts so intimately that we can ask Him for the healing only He can bring.

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