Why Do You Do What You Do?

Why do you work at the job you have, care for the people you care for, lead that team, volunteer, train, learn, keep showing up?

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Why do you work at the job you have, care for the people you care for, lead that team, volunteer, train, learn, keep showing up?

I’m guessing at some point in time God put a desire in your heart that made you want to figure something out, make a change for the better for yourself or for others, or He made a specific topic or idea fascinate you. Maybe you saw something or met someone, or God opened a door and you felt it in your soul: Yes! God made me for this! So you pursued the relationship, degree, or certification. You joined the club or team or signed up or volunteered. This could be a career or maybe a desire to make your community a clean, safe place to live or a goal to always make newcomers feel welcome. And so you make that your aim, no matter what season you’re in. Most days you probably still feel that desire and motivation burning inside you.

But some days we don’t. We’ve been doing it for so long, it’s just what we do. It’s not all glamorous; in fact, it’s way harder than it looked. We feel like we’ve tried e-ver-y-thing. We’re tired, drained, uninspired.

And then there’s the reality that this world of ours is filled with evaluations, tests, ratings, acceptances or rejections, promotions and demotions, likes and followers, invitations and exclusions. We get evaluated on “how well” we’re pursuing the dreams we’re working toward. And then everything gets wonky. We focus on our performance instead of our why. Will they like it? Will it be enough? Will enough people show up? What if we’re not fast enough, smart enough, didn’t earn enough revenue or a high enough grade? What if our platform is too small, or we didn’t get high enough reviews, or we don’t get picked, or whoever is evaluating us simply prefers someone else?

Whatever the reason, sometimes we forget our why.

When this happens to me, I turn to Galatians. Chapter one always helps me reset and remotivate.

“My authority for writing to you does not come from any popular vote of the people, nor does it come through the appointment of some human higher-up. It comes directly from Jesus the Messiah and God the Father, who raised him from the dead. I’m God-commissioned” (Galatians 1:1-2 MSG).

Did you hear that? 

Does it help you remember?

Our authority for parenting or running a business or leading a team or being a caretaker or teacher or scientist or daughter doesn’t come from a popularity contest or our own gumption, or even from our boss or commander or coach. If Jesus called us to do something, He will equip us, give us the desire, the ability, the resources, and the authority to do it. He’s the highest one up on the ladder. When Jesus invites you into places, spaces, and relationships, they will be for your good and God’s glory. You might do this thing because it makes you or others smile, because it provides meals or prevents injuries or empowers the marginalized, or creates fun or knowledge or safety for the world and the people in it. But the main reason you can show up again today and tomorrow and the day after that motivated and passionate about the work and people at hand is because you are God-commissioned! He made you for this!

Unfortunately, being God-commissioned doesn’t mean every day will be easy peasy and uplifting or that we’ll get all the raises and hugs and thank yous and invitations and starring roles. In our broken world sometimes our bodies get sick, sometimes we are manipulated or misunderstood, sometimes companies downsize without warning or we’re simply overlooked. And those things make it difficult to pursue our passions; they can be painful and hard. But even in the challenges and struggles, our God is faithful and good, gives us everything we need (Psalm 23:1), and has plans to prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11). God will provide the resources and energy and a way for you to do what He’s calling you to do. Maybe not on the team or in the city or for the budget or in the amount of time or to the size of audience you’d hoped for, but exactly how He planned it.

When God calls us to something, He hopes we’ll partner with Him, step into that calling. If He calls you to be a physical therapist, you’ll probably need to go to PT school. If the Lord asks you to raise funds for a new venture or an important cause, you’ll probably have to ask folks for money. If He calls us to be spouses or parents or supportive aunts or sisters, we’ll be better at those roles if we pray, asking God for wisdom, the right words, patience, and the ability to see the people in our lives through God’s eyes, so we can love them well for the long haul. If we step into what God calls us to? Well, then He is always faithful.

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Have you lost your why? Gotten caught up in the to-do lists and tasks and wishing you weren’t so tired? Has your work or volunteering or learning gotten rote or dry or mundane? Do you feel the pressure to perform?

You are God commissioned! 

Don’t lose sight of why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place. What are you waiting for? You can get excited, try again, send another email, take another trip to the playground, apply another bandage, re-enroll, sign up, send the message, be re-energized, make the ask, write the letter—and go out and do the amazing work God has called you specifically to do! 

**BIO: Best-selling author and sought-after speaker Laura L. Smith tears down lies, so we can live in Christ’s truth. She loves Jesus, her prince charming of a husband, their four kids, music, almond milk mochas, dark chocolate, and travel. Laura lives in the college town of Oxford, Ohio where you’ll find her running the wooded trails, or shopping at the Saturday morning farmer’s market. Smith’s latest book Holy Care for the Whole Self is available at booksellers everywhere. Visit her website at: www.laurasmithauthor.com

Written by Laura L. Smith. Used by permission from the author.

3 Responses

  1. This was amazing and so timely for all women. I am now 75 years old. My precious husband is as well and we have been married for 52 years. Different seasons of my life have had me as an elementary school teacher, a stay at home mom for 22 years, and a Realtor for 24 years. And the Lord has been with me throughout. I had never thought about being God commissioned and I love that. At any age, we can honor our Lord and savior.

  2. This topic caught my attention and the blog blessed and encouraged me to keep persevering with what I’ve been God-commissioned to do. Yes, I can relate to feeling tired and drained at times because this journey is not easy and I get overwhelmed with concerns that it’s not going to happen or why it’s taking so long, but I have to remember that God’s timing is not my timing and His timing is perfect!

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