You’ve Got the Power

Two weeks prior to a super exciting speaking engagement the enemy tried to mess with my self worth. It’s an old tactic of that slippery snake. Some trauma as a child really took a toll on my self worth. It’s taken me years of prayer, Bible reading, and counseling to realize the truth, that the only one who defines me is Jesus, and He says I am holy, royal, chosen, wonderful, awe-inspiring, and a masterpiece. He says all these same things about you. No matter where you’ve been or what someone else told you. Yup, you. I think that’s worth repeating, Jesus sees you as holy, royal, chosen, wonderful, awe-inspiring, and a masterpiece.

Two weeks prior to a super exciting speaking engagement the enemy tried to mess with my self worth. It’s an old tactic of that slippery snake. Some trauma as a child really took a toll on my self worth. It’s taken me years of prayer, Bible reading, and counseling to realize the truth, that the only one who defines me is Jesus, and He says I am holy, royal, chosen, wonderful, awe-inspiring, and a masterpiece. He says all these same things about you. No matter where you’ve been or what someone else told you. Yup, you. I think that’s worth repeating, Jesus sees you as holy, royal, chosen, wonderful, awe-inspiring, and a masterpiece. 

If you’re like me, you might read those words today, sit up straighter, get pumped up, inspired, and ready to roll. And then next week or tomorrow someone will say something nasty to or about you, you won’t get picked, things won’t work out, and you’ll believe something less than lovely about yourself. 

I’d been through this drill with Satan before. I know his game to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:9), and I wasn’t going down without a fight. The book of Ephesians has always reminded me who I am, what Jesus calls me to do, and why I am both equipped to and need to do it. So, I decided to read the whole book of Ephesians (it’s short) each morning until the day of the event. 

And each morning Jesus showed up. That’s what He does when we read His word, when we intentionally seek time with Him.

In the pages of Ephesians Jesus reminded me that we are so loved by Him (1:4). We are part of His family (1:14). He creates us intentionally and beautifully to join Him in wonderful work (2:10). God can do way more than we can imagine (3:20). We’re called to live this life He’s called us into (4:1). His love is extravagant (5:2). The enemy will attack, but we can protect ourselves with God’s armor and take Satan down (6:11). 

Which was exactly what I was doing as I read Scripture each morning. And each day of filling my head with these truths dismantled Satan’s lies. I got more and more excited and less and less insecure. On the morning of the event, I had to wake up early and drive over an hour to get there. So, I had the fantastic narrator on the Bible App (YouVersion) read the book of Ephesians to me. And as I listened Jesus told me something new.

Wait . . . Stop. Rewind. 

I’d been reading these passages for two weeks straight. I’d been journaling on them, praying over them. By then I’d even memorized phrases and sections of the text simply through the repetition. Then on day fourteen I heard something I hadn’t even noticed before. How is that possible? Because the Bible is the Living Word of God. God actually uses the Bible to speak to us. Super cool, right?

There’s this whole part in Ephesians 1 about how Jesus is the Master of the Universe and everything has to bow down to Him and this same power that He has, is available for us. This idea hit me like a lightning bolt. All the power that Jesus has—that’s available for His followers—it’s available for me and you! It’s wild to think about.

Whatever it is, we know what we’re supposed to do next, but we’ve been nervous or maybe even a little afraid to do it. If it’s for God’s glory, if we feel this is something He’d like us to do, let’s channel that power and take the first step forward. 

This does not mean we can do whatever the heck we want. For example, I love music, but I do not have the power to become a rock star, because that’s not God’s plan for me. If it was, I’d be able to sing on key. What it does mean for me is that headed into this event, I could teach people about Jesus, because His Universe-ruling power is for me. I could share some really vulnerable things, because His mighty power is for me! For you, that might mean you can go to the appointment, make the move, extend the invitation, have the challenging conversation, ask for help, take the class, propose the idea, step away from something toxic, apply for the promotion, start your own business, because Christ’s mighty power is alive and active and available for you! As I was driving and letting this truth sink in on a cloudy morning, the clouds literally parted and a giant, bright ray of sun shot through the sky. 


For me.

For you.

Like Jesus could raise the dead, walk on water, heal the sick, and turn a few fish and a couple of breadsticks into a feast power. How are we tapping into this? Are we even tapping into this?

Let’s start today. And then the one after that. Because you and me? We have superpowers.

I pray. . . that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 1:19–20 NLT).

–Written by Laura L. Smith. Used by permission from the author.

13 Responses

  1. It is a stunning truth that Jesus’ power is in me. I’m not tapping into it! But I’m so thankful to our loving God that He gives me moment after moment to become more deeply connected to Him so that I can learn to access and rest in it.

  2. Keep them coming. Nuggets of Divine Truth, Scripture References and personal testimonies.
    “As Iron Sharpens Iron So One Person Sharpens Another”.Proverbs 27:17
    “As in water face reflects face so the heart of man reflects man”. Proverbs 27:19

  3. Power from God who loves us. We learn of this through reading, study, pray, meditate and Praise His Holy Name. That is the key point I received from your Beautiful message. It is where I am remembering to be intentional about the precious word of a living, loving and forgiving God. Most times I don’t feel I am deserving. But Thank God for his unconditional love for us. I am forgiven and set free to serve him in well doing. I am sharing my gifts as you have so lovingly given to God’s people. Bless you and May God keep you in his PERFECT PEACE In Jesus Name Amen

  4. This is a very timely reminder… when Satan is nipping at me I need the reminder to put on THE armor! The “I am” statements are so very powerful.

    I praise Jesus for the gifts He has given to you to share with so many.

  5. Thank you so much. I absolutely needed to hear that this morning and most mornings. Thank You, Jesus, for showing up in big and small ways for us always! Help us see them!

  6. Praise the Lord, this same Jesus said, I am the Resurrection and the Life to the woman at the well. Thank you, Jesus!

  7. What a great testimony. Just a thought to consider. When you mentioned, "This does not mean we can do whatever the heck we want". Some people might consider the work ‘heck’ as a curse word substitute and that phrase as offensive. I have been seeing the proliferation of profanity exploding all over culture in books, movies etc. I don’t think people realize what they are doing. In Christ love, I would like to suggest that the phrase you used be reworded. It caught my attention and distracted me from the message. Perhaps we could say instead: "This doesn’t mean that we can do whatever we want." I know that you are trying to use emphasis but this word feels extraneous and doesn’t add value to the message.

    Ephesians 4:29
    New Living Translation
    29 Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

  8. Laura, wowww I so identify with this.

    "Whatever it is, we know what we’re supposed to do next, but we’ve been nervous or maybe even a little afraid to do it. If it’s for God’s glory, if we feel this is something He’d like us to do, let’s channel that power and take the first step forward."

    Thank you Lord for giving Laura these words, because I needed them today.

    1. Erynn, Praying for you to feel fully empowered by Jesus to do whatever it is He calls you to do. I love reading through Ephesians in the Message translation to be reminded of these truths!

  9. Thank you for presenting such a beautiful, uplifting and encouraging story. By reading the scriptures, we can find out who we are: "holy, royal, awe-inspiring, masterpiece". That is why it is so important to read scriptures and not let others define who we are.

    1. Amen! We need to fight to here Jesus’ voice louder than any other and reading the Bible is a fantastic way to do that!

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