Podcast Episode

Continuing with Trust

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Episode Summary

Have you ever felt like God called you to something you weren’t capable of? Do you feel like He changed your direction and plans? Katie Lewis is a woman of moxie who’s continued to lean into God’s presence in the unexpectedness of her life. Her mission is to equip women with Scripture because she’s experienced firsthand how life-changing the wisdom of the Bible is. Join Elisa Morgan and Eryn Eddy Adkins as they get to know Katie during this conversation on God Hears Her.

Episode Transcript

God Hears Her Podcast

Episode 152 – Continuing with Trust with Katie Lewis

Elisa Morgan & Eryn Eddy Adkins with Katie Lewis


Katie: Sometimes I get really weary, and I think how am I supposed to do this? And I will pray, and I feel like He’s just saying keep going. I have not released you from this yet. You’re doing really good work. I think about Ephesians. Like, I’m a masterpiece, and He has created me for good works that He planned before time, and sometimes it’s hard, but we do hard things. That’s part of life.


Voice: You’re listening to God Hears Her, a podcast for women where we explore the stunning truth that God hears you, He sees you, and He loves you because you are His. Find out how these realities free you today on God Hears Her.

Elisa: Welcome to God Hears Her. I’m Elisa Morgan.

Eryn: And I’m Eryn Eddy Adkins. Have you ever felt like God has called you to something unexpected? Maybe your “nevers” turned into your calling, or maybe God led you in a completely different direction from what you had planned for yourself.

Elisa: Well, today’s guest is living a life she once thought would never happen. Katie Lewis is a business owner and mother of five who leans into what God is speaking to her. Plus, she was recently a guest on the new series Unshakable Moxie.

Eryn: Don’t be surprised if you hear kiddos in the background. Katie’s precious family was working through their homeschooling tasks while we got to have a chance to talk with her.

Elisa: We’re so ready to get to know Katie during this conversation on God Hears Her.

Eryn: Let’s start by asking Katie what were you like when you were nine years old?

Katie: I love this question. I have done a lot of podcasts and I have never been asked this, so fun, Eryn. Well, I have kids that are this age, and so I’m kind of watching them as they’re, like, you know, their core person, what do they love to do, because I think it does show up when we’re adults, doesn’t it? So, I loved my room. It was such a safe place for me. I would read Shel Silverstein poem books and thought that I was just going to be a writer one day, maybe, like he was. I’m not, but I just was, like, captivated by his word usage, and I also loved to organize my room. Maybe that sounds silly, but I would, like, take things off my bookshelves and then re-put them up, and it was such a happy place for me.

Elisa: I love that! Did you get to decorate it yourself?

Katie: I did. My parents, for better or worse, just gave me freedom. At one point, I think all of my walls were painted a different color. There were, like, seven colors in my room, and I look back and I’m thinking oh my goodness, I can’t believe they let me do that. Would I ever be that open with my own kids? Probably not…

Eryn: That’s so great.

Katie: … but I loved it.

Eryn: I love that. Okay, so you said your kids are this age. So, how old is this that we’re talking about?

Katie: Yes, we have five kids, they are nine, six, four, almost two coming up, and then almost one.

Elisa: Oh, my word!

Eryn: Oh, my goodness!

Katie: Yes.

Elisa: Where are they right now?

Eryn: You got a full house.

Elisa: Why isn’t it noisy?

Katie: Well, I know. I know, it… it is a little noisy, and I’m like, oh, I hope they’re a little bit quiet back there. So, we homeschool. They’re back there, maybe doing their work, probably not. I think they’re probably…

Elisa: The nine-year-old’s in charge? Yeah, yeah, good, good.

Katie: Yeah, and he… it’s a boy, our oldest four are boys, and so, there’s none… none of that, like, motherly nurturing…

Elisa: No.

Katie: … that I think a girl often brings, no. It’s just chaos.

Elisa: So, you found God, or at least faith, or maybe religion, even, early in your life. Tell us about that.

Katie: Yeah, I did. And that is all the grace of God. I grew up in a Christian home, we went to church every time the doors were open, but I know that doesn’t always translate into a real faith for people. Sometimes people just run the opposite direction. But for me, I remember from a young age just feeling, like, this is real, and when I came up against something that kind of butted heads with Christianity, like, I don’t know, getting drunk or something like that, I thought I could do that, but there’s just no comparing the popularity or the fun that that might bring to the peace that I am finding in God in this moment. I just always knew that it was real, and that is such a gift straight from Him. Of course, I was not perfect, I’m still obviously not perfect. You know, I was a teenager, I walked through all of those things, but I just remember longing to know Him more deeply from that earliest age.

Eryn: When you started learning to have a faith of your own, apart from your parents, was there a conversation, or a mentor, or a girl that you were friends with, or was there anybody to help ignite that faith of your own journey, or was it solely independent on your own?

Katie: I think in high school it probably was pretty independent. I was a part of a youth group, there were definitely older women in the group that I think played mothering roles, you know? They taught me what they knew in small group settings and those sort of things, but it… we may or may not get into this, my role with my mom and that whole situation just made me a little weary of other people playing that role in my life. And so, I think growing up I was just very introverted, and I would kind of do it myself. I would open my Bible and try to pray as best I knew how, and kind of journaled through that, but once I got to college, I found some college girls who were, maybe, just one or two years older. I mean, really, they were almost my peers, but they were so willing to share the spiritual disciplines. What did it look like to really read your Bible, or to pray, or to fast is something I had never done or… really even heard about. They kind of walked me through those steps, like, just follow me as I learn along, and I was so captivated by the way that they were just kind of discipling me by just saying come along with me. It wasn’t like they were hovering over it, they were just…

Elisa: Yeah.

Katie: … holding my hand as we ran the race together.

Eryn: They were living the example it sounds like.

Katie: Yes, exactly. And they were just inviting me to be along with it, and I think that’s really what set me on fire, and I… I know that I just grew so much in those years from watching them.

Elisa: Katie, you alluded to the situation with your mom, and… and I was actually going to ask you, or comment on, you seemed so young to have such a dear, trusting faith. But looking back, because of, you did go through a hard time with your mom, and I’d love to ask you just a little bit about that. It seems like God really prepared you to be your net during a really tragic time in your family. Can you tell us a little bit about what happened?

Katie: Yeah, absolutely. So, my mom, on one hand, was wonderful. She loved me and my… I’m one of three, she loved me and my siblings so much. She also battled chronic pain, and addiction to narcotics, and depression throughout my whole life off and on. And so, there were seasons that she was really wonderful, and present, and completely healthy… And then there were seasons that she really was not. Her body just hurt all over in a way that I… I don’t think I’ll ever understand, I hope not, and she turned to narcotics just to get relief, and…

Elisa: Yeah.

Katie: … you guys know how dangerous that can be, and it led to an addiction, and addictions lead to depression, and so, this was just our home life, off and on, and so, in those seasons… when she was really low, I think that’s why my room was so safe to me…

Elisa: Yes.

Katie: … and so, I would go in there, and absolutely, the Lord completely protected me. Sometimes it just brings me to tears how much He was there in that room with me, and He was guiding me, and loving me when I felt like nobody else was. That wasn’t true, but that’s what it felt like in my home. I was the oldest of three, and I… so, I felt like I was carrying the weight that everybody, I put that on my shoulders, but there He was. He was carrying me as I felt like I was carrying them.

Elisa: I think a lot of children, for whatever reason, experience that kind of aloneness when something’s not quite right in the home, and… yeah, I think that’s why I asked you if you got to decorate your own home, because my home life was disastrous. My parents were divorced, and my mom battled alcoholism, and I would retreat to my room. So, I really understand. I had this whole thing with troll dolls, and this whole thing with… little plastic horses I’d put under the azalea bushes outside my window. Anyway…

Katie: I love that!

Elisa: I… I get it. You know, I get it.

Eryn: I love that you went external, too, not just in your room.

Katie: Yes.

Elisa: But I get it, and… and thank you for… for sharing that. We giggle about it because it’s precious, looking back the way you shared it, but God really did provide a haven for you, and… and you embraced it and dwelled in it, and… and that’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing that, Katie.

Eryn: When did you meet your husband?

Katie: Yes.

Eryn: Was it in college?

Katie: We met at college…

Eryn: Okay.

Katie: … and, you guys, this is probably horrible, but…

Eryn: We’re here for it.

Katie: … the reason we started talking is because I had recently broken up with my high school boyfriend. I followed him to college, then we broke up, of course, right away. And I was just feeling so in my feelings, and I wanted to make him jealous. And so, I saw this other boy sitting over there at a football game…

Eryn: That’s real.

Katie: … and I thought…

Eryn: That is real, Katie.

Katie: … Right? Yes. And so, I started talking to this other boy over here, and I completely forgot about this other ex-boyfriend of mine, we had such a good conversation! And…

Elisa: I love it.

Katie: … Yes, and I was just right at the beginning, oh, this… this guys actually funnier, and I enjoy talking to him, and so, that’s how we met at college.

Elisa: Cool.

Eryn: I love that. How did the relationship go from, like, let me make this guy jealous to, like, hey, let’s get married?

Katie: Yeah, well…

Eryn: How long did y’all date for?

Katie: … well, we dated… So, my husband, Robert, was a brand-new believer at the time, and so, I was his first girlfriend as a believer, and he didn’t know what he was doing. And really, he was my first, like, grown-up boyfriend. I didn’t know what I was doing, and so, it was not a… it was not a good relationship. But I really felt like we were going to get married. I… the Lord just put that on my heart, and so, on Valentine’s Day Robert breaks up with me. He says this is not working. Do you want the flowers I ordered or not? And I was like, well, we’re going to get married, so yes, I would like them, you know, and he was like, this girl is weird. So, we break up and then we don’t talk for multiple months, but then I’m on a mission trip to Mexico with my family, a medical mission trip, and I get home, when I all of a sudden have cell service again, and I have so many text messages from Robert. Like, I’ve been thinking about you, I’d like to try to date again, I’m so sorry for the way I acted, I mean, he was just… he was a different man. You could tell that the Spirit had been working in him, and then I think he got panicked that I wasn’t responding, he didn’t know I was on this mission trip, you know. And so, then he’s like do I really…

Elisa: Yeah.

Katie: like this girl? I think I really do. And so, we started dating again when I got back, and it was just a one-eighty. The Spirit was in our dating relationship, and then we got married, and here we are now, thirteen years later.

Eryn: Oh my goodness…

Elisa: And five children.

Eryn: And… and five kiddos.

Katie: And five children, a business, yes. I mean, yes. We’ve done a lot together, as all people do.

Eryn: When did you start having two different kinds of babies? A business baby, and then a baby baby.

Katie: Yes. Okay, so let’s back up even to right after I got married, so…

Eryn: Okay.

Katie: … going back to my mom, she was not at my wedding. She was in a rehab facility, and ultimately she did not get healed from that, and so, she actually died by suicide a few months after I got married, which was obviously really heavy, and really horrible… and it was a big thing to take on as newlyweds. I mean Robert…

Elisa: Yeah.

Katie: … was like what… what have we gotten into? I didn’t know what I was doing. And… for the first time I really longed for my mom’s wisdom. Like… how do I make dinner for a man? What am I doing? I don’t know how to do laundry…

Eryn: Yeah.

Katie: … you know, I mean, all these questions start coming up, and she’s not there, and I can’t ask her. And it was really hard. It was really hard. And so, I started a blog called Dear Mushka. Mushka was her pet name for me, it means “little one with big eyes.” I don’t know where she got it. It’s Russian, and she’s not Russian, she must have just heard it at some point and thought it was really cute, you know, like a little term of endearment…

Eryn: I love that!

Katie: … Yes! Okay, so, she called me Mushka, so I started this blog called Dear Mushka, which was just letters to my future Mushka’s if they ever wanted to read. I just kind of documented our first year of marriage, and… now, you know, I had four boys, like, they probably couldn’t care less, but it’s written down if they ever want it. And so, that was kind of what I did, just, you know, it was, like, back when everybody had a blog on the side. And then fast forward, and Robert and I have been married a few years, and I, all of a sudden, feel like God is calling us to adoption. I… the most clearly I have ever heard God’s voice. I felt like He said your first child will come through adoption. I thought what? We have not even pursued biological children. I don’t know anybody who’s adopted, I mean, this is not, like, a theme in my life. In fact, I remember being college thinking I will never adopt and I will never homeschool. You know, but the Lord just loves to use our nevers, doesn’t He?

Eryn: Yes, He does!

Katie: So, I brought the idea to Robert. I said this is what I feel like God’s telling me, and he was, like, He’s not telling me that I don’t think. So, at… that’s just off the table. But it was such a strong conviction that I said Robert, we have to pray about this, because I don’t feel comfortable just pursuing biological children right now. And so, we did. And I… I am so grateful for that time, because I think God ushered me into motherhood deep in prayer…

Elisa: Wow. Yes.

Katie: … and I… that’s exactly the way I want to start motherhood as just, my hands open in surrender saying, Lord, I don’t know what I’m doing here. I’m trying to hear Your voice, I… I want to walk in unity with my husband, can You please guide us?

Eryn: Yeah. That’s beautiful.

Katie: And so, we both were kind of open, and almost a year later, I mean, it really took a long time. We were on a walk and Robert just looked at me and said I think we’re supposed to adopt. Let’s start tomorrow. And I was, like, Oh. Okay. Okay, here we go!

Elisa: Okie dokie! Yup, yup.

Eryn: Wow.

Katie: Yeah, it… I mean, it was just… it was so incredible. The verse we’re praying over this baby, whoever he is, is from Isaiah, the one that says, “I have called you by name, you are mine.” And so, this is just what we’re praying, trusting that God has this perfect child for us, and ultimately a friend at… at our church says hey, I know you’re pursuing this path for adoption, but I actually have a… a friend, a family friend who’s due with a little boy in a couple months, are you interested? We say yes, we don’t hear back. And then, two weeks before he’s born, we hear okay, the birth mother would love for you to adopt her son, but the one condition is that she has this name that she loves chosen. And Robert and I, I mean, you know, you just get so attached to names, we had a boy name picked out, it was Brooks, we just loved this name. And… but we say of course, yes. We’ll name him anything, how sweet that she has a name she’s chosen for her child. You guys, it was Brooks. Out of all of the names in the world, it was Brooks. It’s a family name…

Eryn: Wow.

Katie: … a biological family name…

Elisa: I love that so much.

Eryn: Oh, I have chills.

Katie: … and… I mean, of course, we did too. We just start weeping, and then we think of this verse God has brought to us, like, “I have called you by name, you are mine.” I mean, He really…

Elisa: My gosh, Katie.

Katie: … called this boy by name…

Elisa: That’s gorgeous.

Katie: … and so, we… from then on, we were just, like, yes, Lord, we will do whatever You say to do…

Elisa: We’re in. Yeah.

Katie: because You have just orchestrated all of this. You love us, You are over this. And… so… yeah, he was born two weeks later, and we knew nothing, had nothing, and all of a sudden we were handed over someone else’s child, which is just… we went into adoption so naïve, truly. I was, like, oh, we’ll just love this baby and it’ll be enough, and I had never heard about the trauma that comes from adoption, just a really big, heavy thing. And it’s not…

Elisa: It sure is. No.

Katie: … tied up with a bow, it’s not like oh, do a good thing, be a good Christian, adopt babies… I mean, it really…

Eryn: Right.

Katie: … there’s so much more to it. I feel like the narrative could really be expanded as churches discuss adoption and how…

Elisa: Yeah.

Katie: … beautiful it is, but also how broken it is.

Eryn: It’s messy.

Katie: It’s messy. It’s so messy. Even once the child is in your home, we, you know, with all of our children we still continue to deal with it almost… on a daily basis. But we loved the process so much that we really felt like God was saying do it again, and then again. And so, our three oldest are all…

Eryn: And then again, and then again.

Katie: … into our family through adoption, yes. Yes.

Elisa: Oh, my gosh.

Eryn: That’s so great. So, when you went from blog to jewelry, tell me about that transition. Cause you said also it’s a family business, right?

Katie: Yes. Going from blog to jewelry kind of felt like, okay, whatever, I’ll just try this thing out, but then I really started wrestling with my faith, and I felt like God was saying Okay, Katie, you are taking these verses and you are really storing them in your heart, you’re meditating on them, you’re wrestling with them, help other people do that too. Help other women do that too. And so, I started seeing verses in the necklaces and pieces I was already making. You know, like, if it was a feather necklace, which was super on-trend back in 2013 or whatever it was…

Eryn: Yeah, it was. Yeah.

Katie: … And then all of a sudden, I was like oh, Psalm 91, God protects us with His feathers. Like, we take refuge under there. And so, I started pairing a verse card with each piece, and that just became what our business was…

Elisa: I love that.

Katie: … and our tagline was “Wear truth, share truth,” and so you would actually, it was like you were putting on truth, and then as women, you know, casually compliment each other like we do, oh, I love your earrings, girl! It was an invitation to share truth instead of to just say thank you, it was to say thank you, they remind me of this verse, or here… like a moment of vulnerability. Here’s what I’m walking through right now, here’s how God’s meeting me, and I found myself doing that, too, you know. Like in the Target check-out line, I am not naturally bold to share my faith, I hope to grow in that, but it gave me words to do it with when somebody would compliment what I was wearing, I could easily say oh, here’s what I’m walking through, here’s how God’s meeting me. If they wanted to dig in more, awesome, and if not, okay. I didn’t say anything weird, you know, I just answered their question, and…

Elisa: Yeah, that’s so natural.

Katie: … yes, it was so natural, and I felt like it was providing gospel conversation starters, and… and with my children, they would, like, touch my necklaces and so I would just start to say the verse out loud to them, and so, it just became what was rolling off my tongue really naturally.

Eryn: Yeah. And so, Robert is part of the business, too, your husband…

Katie: Yes.

Eryn: … Did he start right in the beginning, or were you, like, hey, I’ve got to ease into this, cause we’re homeschooling kids, we’re adopting children, I mean, y’all are really in tandem with each other… in every… aspect.

Katie: No, that goes back to the taxes, Eryn… So… It was like I can do it until it became a real business…

Elisa: Okay.

Katie: … and it was when we had two children, we actually weren’t homeschooling yet, they were I guess two and zero at the time, and all of a sudden, I felt like this business is taking a lot of my time. I cannot do it all. I mean, back then I was, like, designing all the pieces, photographing the pieces, making them…

Elisa: Wow.

Katie: … shipping them out, answering customer service, which is the worst for me, for my personality…

Elisa: Yeah.

Katie: … and then we started hiring. Our first employee would just come to our house and we would give her a basket of materials, and she would take it home and make everything… and then she would bring it back. But then, that involved, like, employee management, which I also didn’t love, and so, I said we’ve got to do something, and Robert was like well, we could hire somebody, or I think I might be the man for the job…

Elisa: Oh, that’s so amazing.

Katie: … and I was like yes!

Elisa: Yes. What was his profession before?

Katie: He was a project manager.

Elisa: Yeah, so that’s perfect.

Eryn: Perfect.

Katie: Yes, it really worked well, and he has all of the strengths that I don’t have, and so…

Elisa: I love that.

Katie: … and obviously I was comfortable with him, and so it felt really seamless. Of course, it was a leap of faith, because we were going from this steady paycheck to all of a sudden…

Elisa: Yeah.

Katie: … okay, Dear Mushka is…

Eryn: Yeah.

Katie: … like, our business. That’s where all of our money comes from.

Eryn: Yes.

Katie: But it was… it was wonderful. It was a really good fit, and now he kind of… he does Dear Mushka work, and he also has learned so much he now does coaching with other small businesses, just to kind of teach them what he learned, and help them along. You know, he’s really great at working with people like me, other, like, moms and women trying to get these things off the ground, and… Yeah. He’s awesome at it.

Eryn: Was there something that God spoke over you, was there a verse, was there something in your core that you just knew, like, okay, God, I know you’re going to carry me though this, cause this just feels really hard, really vulnerable, I want to quit all the things.

Katie: You know, I think for Dear Mushka, He really was just saying keep going. And that’s what He’s continued to say… we’re… we’re about to celebrate ten years in the business, and sometimes I get really weary, and I think how am I supposed to do this? And I will pray, and I feel like He’s just saying keep going, I have not released you from this yet. You’re doing really good work. I think about Ephesians. Like, I’m a masterpiece, and He has created me for good works that He planned before time, and sometimes it’s hard, but we do hard things. That’s part of life…

Eryn: Yeah.

Katie: … and He’s called us to disciple and to minister, and that looks different for all of us with all of our giftings, but this is where He’s put me, and so, really, it’s not like a one thing, it… I just feel like when I bring it up to Him, He says keep going. Keep going. And so, I am. I’m pulling up a note in my phone that I just have verse after verse that He’s given me, probably every six months I feel like I need another word. And so, I just have this here, and I will reference it. Like, right now, I’m thinking… 2 Peter 1:3, I just finished studying 1 and 2 Peter with a group of girls, and the verse, verse 3 says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” And so, that’s where I’m at right now, when I feel like I… I can’t do all of this. I don’t know how to do all of this, but I do believe this is where I’m being called right now. He’s promised that His power is what’s going to carry me to live a godly life through the knowledge of Him who called me first. And so, I feel like… He just gives me these verses and I sit with them, and then I’ll be, like, okay, I know that one, or that’s… that’s not hitting the spot anymore, and then He’ll just reignite me with something else from His Word. And so, I keep them right here so that I can go back, and… even as I look through this, I think oh, yeah, I remember the season I was in when He gave me that passage, and it’s so beautiful. He just continues to prove Himself time and time again. Like, Remember My goodness and My glory and then share it with your children. You know, so, throughout the Bible, like, we’re supposed to pass it down through the generations, and so I really… this really is, like, a Dear Mushka, but now I don’t need to tell them how to make spaghetti, I need to tell them of God’s goodness and His glory, and how He always meets us in what He asks us to do.

Elisa: You know, not long ago you were a part of a film… that Our Daily Bread Ministries produced on the topic of unshakable moxie, which, you know, it’s this grit of life and grace. Can you tell us what that experience was like for you as you shared your story in visual, video form.

Katie: Yeah, I had never done that before, and I loved it. The whole process. It was exhausting, for people who haven’t done this sort of film, which is probably most of us, you know, I mean, you do this… you say the same part of your story over and over and over again so that they can get the right clip, and so that it sounds right, but I actually found that to be so healing, because for the… really, for the first time I was telling a lot of my mom’s story like I told a little bit of right here, and I was, like, working it out. I was verbally processing through this medium as I talked to other women about what was going on, and how I really did have to wrestle with my faith when my mom died, specifically how she died. I found myself going okay, God, I see your promises in Scripture, and I don’t see how they apply to her life, and I do believe that she loved you. I don’t know how to reconcile that…

Eryn: Yeah.

Katie: … and so, it really led to lots of years, and really what He ended up telling me was you don’t get to know how I reconciled that in her life. She’s not here for you to ask those questions to, and her faith is not yours. But I will meet all of My promises in your life. Test Me. I really felt like He was inviting me to test Him, and so I began to. Not in, like, a if you don’t answer this, like, I don’t believe in You anymore, but it was more like a really gentle, tender invitation, like, hey, when you’re longing for wisdom, I say that I’ll give it in the book of James. Do you believe that? Try it. And then He would. He would give me wisdom, and I felt Him saying, like okay, can you then turn around and praise Me for that? Can you thank me for that rather than thinking, you know, you’re so awesome. And then it would happen again. Like, you’re in such a weary season with a… a particular child, and can you come to Me for strength? I say I’ll give it, will you turn to Me and believe that I will actually give that? And then He would, and, you know, year after year this happened, to the point now where I think of course, He’s going to come through. He has shown Himself to be faithful, and I don’t have all the answers in my mom’s life, but I… I do know His character, and I believe His character, and that’s enough for me to sit in.

Eryn: Katie, I feel like it’s just so evident in your story, and in your business, in your marriage, in your personal journey of just developing into the woman that you are today, where God does speak Scripture over you. He reminds you of… of His promises, of His goodness, and what’s true about Him, and how He sees you. Would you share a verse that you can remind the woman right now listening that God does hear, and see, and love her.

Katie: Well, just this morning I read Psalm 143:8 and it says, “Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” And I think the truth is that God does love us. I mean, the whole narrative of Scripture is His love story to us, as He is rescuing us and bringing us back to this perfect Eden, even… even more perfect than Eden was… And a lot of times, really, we just have to decide that we’re going to trust Him. You know, and that’s… I say just, it’s not easy at all, but I do think that when we are able to open our hands in the morning and to say let me hear this morning of Your steadfast love, like, let me believe that. I mean, even in the letters in the New Testament, you hear Paul praying that over the believers. Like, please, I’m going to pray that you can trust God’s love, because it doesn’t just come naturally to us, we kind of have to build those reps. I think when we can start our morning and we can just say Lord, I long to know Your steadfast love because I trust You, like we have to [music] tell our mind I… I trust You, I’m going to point myself in this direction… and then we say make me know the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul. Like, this day is Yours. Please guide me in whatever decision comes about, whoever You place in front of me, I lift up my soul to You. You are my goal and I trust that You’re going to meet me here in this moment. I just think that’s really powerful, just entering in with a place of surrender and humility. I think He meets us there, He longs to meet us there.


Elisa: You know, Katie has such a calming presence. I’m so glad we got to know her today.

Eryn: You can learn more about Katie’s story during her Unshakable Moxie episode. Be sure to check out the show notes for a link to the series and more at godhearsher.org. That’s godhearsher.org. We also want to let you know that we will be on a season break until March 25th! Mark your calendars for a new season and a special announcement!

Elisa: Thanks for joining us. And don’t forget, God hears you, He sees you, and He loves you because you are His.


Eryn: Today’s episode was engineered by Anne Stevens and produced by Jade Gustman and Mary Jo Clark. We also want to thank Robert and all of Katie’s kids for all their help and support. Thanks everyone.


Elisa: God Hears Her is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries.

Show Notes

  • “I feel like He’s said, ‘Keep going, I have not released you from this.’ ” —Katie Lewis
  • “We do hard things, that’s a part of life.” —Katie Lewis
  • “He has promised that His power is what will carry me through to live a godly life.” —Katie Lewis
  • “I felt like He was inviting me to ‘test’ Him… in a tender and gentle way.” —Katie Lewis

Links Mentioned

About the Guest(s)

Katie Lewis

Katie Lewis is the founder of Dear Mushka, a Scripture-based everyday wear jewelry, apparel, and accessories company. She’s passionate about the Bible being a very present help and equipping women for everyday life with it by “wearing truth and sharing truth.” When she isn’t working or discipling four little boys and her newborn baby girl, she’s an aspiring gardener and is always grateful for a few minutes to read.


One Response

  1. Thank you, Katie, for sharing your story. I look forward to listening to your episode on "Women of Unshakeable Moxie".

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